Sunday, April 23, 2023

Prospect shines on

 Sunday birding in Prospect continues to see old friends and new friends arriving over the weekend.

Among continuing birds --old friends- both Evening Grosbeak and Prothonotary warbler remarkably stuck around. The Grosbeak is hanging near the Dongan Oak monument but leaning closer to the mulch pile yard adjacent to the zoo.

For our Prothonotary,it's sticking close to the Lullwater . A report mentioned it under the Terrace bridge.

Checking out new friends: how about Summer Tanager and Hooded Warbler?

The Summer Tanager reported yesterday is hanging out in the Vale Cashmere close to the Zucker nature Playground.

And lastly, a male Hooded Warbler put in an appearance atop Lookout Hill along the path towards the southwest long stairs. I presumed it was seen on the slope opposite the bench below the west fringe of the hills summit. Forrest W was the birder who found it.