Saturday, April 22, 2023

Friday good eyes for a Swallow -tailed Kite

Yesterdays sighting of the third historical Prospect Swallow tailed Kite is a credit to Jeff Gramms good eyes. And that's a gift for any good birder and people near them.

During viewing of the Dongan Oak Evening Grosbeak a second time after birding elsewhere, Jeff spotted a high flying kite coming over,the Swallow Tailed which then did a loop maneuver before heading southwest. Thanks to quick tweets, it was picked up over Greenwood Cemetery. Check the previous posts below for photos and checklists with details. A spectacular
 mega rarity for lucky birders!

The Evening Grosbeak continued yesterday in an elm tree over Tunnel Arch bridge by Dongan Oak monument. I got lucky when Ed Crowne got me on it.

Also luck smiled in me again for me getting the Prothonotary warbler. First to the dead tree at Lull water bridge where it wasnt, it actually move closed to the wood observation deck across from the Boathouse. If it werent for birders there I might have missed it. For very close views in a cherry tree over the shoreline, I was well rewarded.

In other news, a male Blue Grosbeak was reported at Greenwood Cemetery's Central ridge, south from Valley Water.

"A flower blossoms for its own joy." — Oscar Wilde