Friday, April 7, 2023

Fwd: mystery birds out my window

I identified them as Yellow crowned night an unusual spot as migrating birds.( These birds like salt marshes where I usually see them)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Cara McAteer <>
Date: Thu, Apr 6, 2023, 9:48 AM
Subject: mystery birds out my window
To: <>

Hi, I got your email from am online birding forum and hope you don't mind my bothering you.  I was hoping that as a birder you may know what the birds in the attached photos are.  I glanced out my window and saw these three birds I have never seen before and they've been there a few hours barely moving at all.  These birds are a little north of Prospect Park in a backyard on Prospect Place.  At first glance I thought I was seeing hawks based on the size but I never see three hawks together and the beaks and body profile are not hawklike.  I know the photo quality is not good but if you have any ideas of what these are I would the curious to know. 