Friday, June 30, 2017

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Jun 30, 2017 6:36 PM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>

*** Species Summary:

- African Collared-Dove (1 report)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

African Collared-Dove (Streptopelia roseogrisea) (1)
- Reported Jun 30, 2017 09:10 by karen o'hearn
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "continuing bird in same place.  it did not respond to EUCD song but did look up from feeding when AF song played.  i know this isn't diagnostic at all, but just saying."


You received this message because you are subscribed to eBird's Kings County Rare Bird Alert

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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Jun 28, 2017 7:52 PM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>

*** Species Summary:

- Least Bittern (1 report)
- African Collared-Dove (1 report)
- Acadian Flycatcher (1 report)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 28, 2017 08:10 by karen o'hearn
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "continuing bird.  blurry fly-by right of chip beach"

African Collared-Dove (Streptopelia roseogrisea) (1)
- Reported Jun 28, 2017 08:10 by karen o'hearn
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Media: 4 Photos
- Comments: "bird first spotted by Gus a few days ago. i'm not familiar with either eurasian OR african sp.  but the bird appears to have white coverts.  pics from today and one from Monday."

Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) (1)
- Reported Jun 28, 2017 08:10 by karen o'hearn
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "continuing bird & nest.  well, i'm assuming there are eggs in the nest.  only one adult seen."


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Tweet from Gus Keri (@BirdingGus)

Gus Keri (@BirdingGus) tweeted at 7:37 AM on Thu, Jun 29, 2017:
The Ring-necked Duck and the Coot are still here at Prospect Lake ; on the Tarp behind West Island and Hammerhead now.

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Fwd: Certificate Of Appreciation Awarded To: PETER DOROSH (band#: 1158-14921 date: 12/11/2016)

From a Canada Goose reported in Prospect from way back in December 2016



Banding Data
Band Number 1158-14921 X3A9 Banded 07/04/2016

Encounter Data

Location KINGS COUNTY, NEW YORK, UNITED Encountered 12/11/2016


I thought I was going to get a prize attached ;) KB

-----Original Message-----
From: BandReports <>
To: prosbird <>
Sent: Wed, Jun 28, 2017 10:08 pm
Subject: Certificate Of Appreciation Awarded To: PETER DOROSH (band#: 1158-14921 date: 12/11/2016)

The North American Bird Banding Program

Bird banding is important for studying the movement, survival and behavior of birds. About 60 million birds representing hundreds of species have been banded in North America since 1904. About 4 million bands have been recovered and reported.

Data from banded birds are used in monitoring populations, setting hunting regulations, restoring endangered species, studying effects of environmental contaminants, and addressing such issues as Avian Influenza, bird hazards at airports, and crop depredations. Results from banding studies support national and international bird conservation programs such as Partners in Flight, the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, and Wetlands for the Americas.

The North American Bird Banding Program is under the general direction of the U.S. Geological Survey and the Canadian Wildlife Service. Cooperators include the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Mexico's National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity and Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources; other federal, state and provincial conservation agencies; universities; amateur ornithologists; bird observatories; nature centers; nongovernmental organizations such as Ducks Unlimited and the National Audubon Society; environmental consulting firms and other private sector businesses. However, the most important partner in this cooperative venture is you, the person who voluntarily reported a recovered band. Thank you for your help.

U.S. Geological Survey
Canadian Wildlife Service

Please Report Bands at
call 1-800-327-BAND

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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Jun 28, 2017 6:54 PM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>

*** Species Summary:

- Ring-necked Duck (1 report)
- Least Bittern (3 reports)
- Acadian Flycatcher (2 reports)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris) (1)
- Reported Jun 28, 2017 15:05 by Doug Gochfeld
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "*Very rare summering bird! Continuing male at SW corner of lake."

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 28, 2017 15:05 by Doug Gochfeld
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "*Very rare but continuing. Female flushed from the phragmites to the west of the Peninsula wood chip Beach at and flew fast, straight, and low to the west  along the lakeside reed edge and disappeared. No other sightings during our vigil which lasted until around 5:30 PM, though a Green Heron did make a couple of loping slower passes back and forth over the lake in front of that spot."

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 28, 2017 11:00 by Isabel Conte
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "One continuing bird flying from peninsula thumb to phrags at chipped beach. "

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 28, 2017 17:00 by Peter Dorosh
- Prospect Park--Prospect Lake, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9686421&ll=40.6553787,-73.9686421
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing bird seen flying west along south shore Peninsula; dark above with Buffy orange light patches,orange buffy white below breast"

Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) (1)
- Reported Jun 28, 2017 15:05 by Doug Gochfeld
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "*Very rare breeder in Brooklyn. On nest in Ravine."

Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) (1)
- Reported Jun 28, 2017 11:00 by Isabel Conte
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing bird on nest at rock bridge."


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eBird Checklist – Prospect Park--Prospect Lake, New York – Wed Jun 28, 2017 – 6 species

Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds)

The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 5:22 PM on Wed, Jun 28, 2017:
Finally got my Least Bittern ,from afar West shore,flying along Peninsula shore to Well dr Prospect

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Tweet from Isabel Conte (@aredstart2)

Isabel Conte (@aredstart2) tweeted at 0:09 PM on Wed, Jun 28, 2017:
Least bittern flew from thumb to just left of chipped beach phrags

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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 11:03 AM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>

*** Species Summary:

- Least Bittern (1 report)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 27, 2017 08:15 by Doug Gochfeld
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "*Continuing Brooklyn rarity. Male flew west from base of thumb and perched out in the open in the phrags briefly. Seen hopping through the dense phrags shortly thereafter but then lost in the sense reeds."


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Excellent Village Voice article on Ridgewood Reservoir

A terrific piece written by Ryan Goldberg. Hope this galvanizes some movement on legal protection status. Its a critically biodiverse important habitat in the middle of concrete industrial region. Kudos to Ryan for this sorely needed update on the Reservoirs --KB

Monday, June 26, 2017

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Jun 26, 2017 2:11 PM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>

*** Species Summary:

- Least Bittern (2 reports)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 26, 2017 13:25 by Kathleen Toomey
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 26, 2017 08:25 by John  Gluth
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Seen distantly in flight. Small, dark-backed ardeid with what appeared to be bright white flank patches. Flew from one part of large phragmites stand on south side of Peninsula (nearer middle) toward reed stand at the base of Peninsula. Tried to get video footage but wasn't quick enough and didn't see where the bird landed. Carefully scanned edge of phrags hoping the bird might have stayed briefly on an exposed perch, but no such luck. A second shorter vigil near the bird's suspected landing spot was more successful though, yielding definitive looks at an unmistakeable male LEBI that flew out of the westernmost phrag patch (into which it presumably disappeared during earlier sighting), crossed a stretch of open water (~150 ft. across, ~25-30 yards from shore), and landed in the shaded phrags to my left. It lingered in the open just long enough for quick binocular view (~5 seconds). I waited for 15-20 minutes hoping it would emerge before I had to leave for work, but it stayed hidden. "


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Tweet from Kathleen Toomey (@KingsKathy)

Kathleen Toomey (@KingsKathy) tweeted at 1:25 PM on Mon, Jun 26, 2017:
Least Bittern redound by Elijah Shiffer approaching Sora spot

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Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Jun 25, 2017 10:13 PM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>

*** Species Summary:

- Ring-necked Duck (1 report)
- Least Bittern (1 report)
- American Coot (1 report)
- African Collared-Dove (1 report)
- Acadian Flycatcher (1 report)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris) (1)
- Reported Jun 25, 2017 16:05 by Gus Keri
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Media: 2 Photos
- Comments: "Continuing bird. Between the West island and the Hammerhead."

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 25, 2017 16:05 by Gus Keri
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing bird. Flew into the frags at the Thumb. perched for few second on the reed before disappearing. Not enough time for photo, unfortunately."

American Coot (Fulica americana) (1)
- Reported Jun 25, 2017 16:05 by Gus Keri
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Media: 2 Photos
- Comments: "Continuing bird. on the tarp between the West island and the Hammerhead."

African Collared-Dove (Streptopelia roseogrisea) (1)
- Reported Jun 25, 2017 16:05 by Gus Keri
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Media: 3 Photos
- Comments: "Some people suggested it's a Eurasian one. Both are life bird for me."

Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) (1)
- Reported Jun 25, 2017 16:05 by Gus Keri
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Media: 2 Photos
- Comments: "Continuing bird. Sitting in the nest. I just saw its tail."


You received this message because you are subscribed to eBird's Kings County Rare Bird Alert

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conjunction of Jupiter and Venus

The convergence of Jupiter and Venus culminates on Tuesday, June 30, 2015 with a CLOSE CONJUNCTION of these planets! At their closest approach, these two planets will be SO CLOSE, only 1/3 of a degree, or 20 arcminutes apart! This is close enough to fit inside the same field of view of binoculars, or a telescope at low power! (A typical small scope at 30x can show the entire Moon, which is 30 arcminutes across, larger than the separation between the planets on this night.)...
See More

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Tweet from Gus Keri (@BirdingGus)

Gus Keri (@BirdingGus) tweeted at 4:39 PM on Sun, Jun 25, 2017:
Is this an Eurasian collared Dove? In Prospect park now.

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Update Bird since has been determined to be an escape (likely) African Collared Dove

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Jun 25, 2017 10:17 AM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>

*** Species Summary:

- Least Bittern (1 report)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 25, 2017 07:45 by Linda Ewing
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Initially seen flying west from vicinity of peninsula thumb across lake and around/into big patch of phrags. Seen short while later flying between phrags on either side of long, narrow grassy area directly opposite Wellhouse. Another observer saw it fly left to right. I heard rustling in phrags on both sides of me, then saw bird fly right to left (into area rustling noise on left had been coming from). Seems very possible there were two birds."


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Tweet from Linda Ewing (@lke313)

Linda Ewing (@lke313) tweeted at 8:14 AM on Sun, Jun 25, 2017:
Prospect least bittern just flew from península thumb into its favorite phrags. Good long look (even 1-handed).

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Saturday, June 24, 2017

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Jun 24, 2017 7:21 PM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>

*** Species Summary:

- Ring-necked Duck (1 report)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris) (1)
- Reported Jun 24, 2017 12:00 by Kathleen Toomey
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing, duck with dark back and white spur on side."


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Least Bittern wherabouts

According to Benjamin in his Ebird report,a bird was seen by the rink near the boat launch at about 2 pm

Correction: the actual site not rink is the well house Dr boat ramp OPP three shipping containers.

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Jun 24, 2017 5:22 PM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>

*** Species Summary:

- Least Bittern (2 reports)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 24, 2017 15:39 by Adelia Honeywood
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing"

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 24, 2017 14:00 by Ben GC
- Prospect Park--Prospect Lake, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9686421&ll=40.6553787,-73.9686421
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Flying between reeds near Boat launch on North side of lake"


You received this message because you are subscribed to eBird's Kings County Rare Bird Alert

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Tweet from Rob Jett (@thecitybirder)

Rob Jett (@thecitybirder) tweeted at 9:08 AM on Sat, Jun 24, 2017:
For the first time in 25 years I saw a muskrat in Prospect Lake. How'd he get there? Q train?

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Tweet from Rob Jett (@thecitybirder)

Rob Jett (@thecitybirder) tweeted at 8:17 AM on Sat, Jun 24, 2017:
Least Bittern just flew around the Thumb on Prospect lake heading west towards the usual spot that it's been seen

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Prospect BBC walk

Due to heavy rain, Todays Prospect walk is CANCELED.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

From last night . also reported as late as 6 pm and again 630 pm by Ann Lararus and Miriam Rakowski between the two main phrags by the wooden bench


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 10:39 PM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>

*** Species Summary:

- Ring-necked Duck (1 report)
- Least Bittern (1 report)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris) (1)
- Reported Jun 22, 2017 16:33 by Daisy Paul
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Tripper has a picture. In the middle of the lake with a group of mallards. Dark head & back, pale sides with white spur at shoulder."

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (2)
- Reported Jun 22, 2017 16:33 by Daisy Paul
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "1st bird flew out of the phrags near where peninsula meadow meets Wellhouse Drive and headed into the SW corner of the park. 2nd bird seen shortly afterward from a paddle boat, perched in the edge of the phrags where peninsula meadow transitions into the woodsier area of the peninsula. Small buffy colored heron with dark cap and back, seen briefly but in full view. So bummed that my camera was at home."


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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Jun 22, 2017 8:40 PM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>

*** Species Summary:

- Ring-necked Duck (1 report)
- Least Bittern (3 reports)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris) (1)
- Reported Jun 22, 2017 18:02 by Peter Paul
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "I think continuing. I have a picture. "

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 22, 2017 18:02 by Peter Paul
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "From a paddleboat! Very good looks, albeit brief, of a bird perched three quarters of the way up in the phrags just east of where the sculpture was. Classic LEBI crouch position. Buff colored bird with a dark cap and back. As I went for my camera, the bird flew west to the group of phrags nearest wellhouse drive. We had to return the boat and didn't see the bird again, or sign of a second one. "

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 22, 2017 14:02 by Sean Sime
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Photos. "

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (2)
- Reported Jun 22, 2017 11:00 by Kathleen Toomey
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Seen flying together over water west of Peninsula lawn.  Later, one seen flying back, eventually refound by Paige, walking in phrags.  In flight, small herons with buffy wing patches, dark backs, orange-ish color from breast to bill"


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Prospect Least Bittern is a double!

No sooner after I posted news of the Least Bittern update believing it was a single bird all along, a tweet from Kathy Toomey noted TWO Least Bitterns !

While waiting at the wood bench along the Peninsula shoreline, about noon time,both Kathy and Isabel Conte observed the pair flying out of the right phragmites towards the left. See my previous post with the map link.

Now the whole picture is intriguing..... will Prospect get lucky for a breeding pair? Here's hoping....

Near One PM as my lunch hour was ending, I took a look at my sibleys for the flight profile when one flew back into the right Phragmites, a back door snuck in !

Other news :

From Gus

I missed the Least bittern twice today. the first time by 5 seconds only and the second time by a couple of minutes. I guess it wasn't to be for me today.
But I had a better luck in seeing the Acadian Flycatcher sitting in its nest above the Rock Arch bridge (near Ambergill fall)

Gus also saw RING NECKED DUCK on the Lake.

Janet Zinn's documentary Photo of this morning Least Bitterns on Facebook Brooklyn urban Birders group

Tweet from Kathleen Toomey (@KingsKathy)

Kathleen Toomey (@KingsKathy) tweeted at 0:13 PM on Thu, Jun 22, 2017:
Isabel Conte and I just saw TWO Least Bitterns fly across mulch beach on Peninsula from right to left

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Least Bittern flying show

To the delight of birders during these first days of Summer, a LEAST BITTERN is putting up a show at the northern shore of Prospect Lake. Whether its a floater ( an unattached male or female) or breeding --the latter unlikely -- but welcomed for viewing, the small colorful bittern is showing off well during its to and fro flight between two phragmite patches on the Peninsula south shore.

Several birders spotted the flyby bittern at 7:25 am. Joshua tweeted out the report while with Mike Y and Alie R. About an hour or 2 later, Janet Zinn saw it fly by towards the right phragmite. Then as I went to see just after ten , I ran into Karen and Gus. I was hoping despite no bins on me. So I left with more work to do.About 15 minutes later, Karen tweeted out the Least Bittern flying out of the right phrag towards the Peninsula thumb Phragmites. I left 5 minutes too early as they say .. :(

To get the best chance seeing the bird, its going to be on a flyby in front of the Peninsula shore where formerly a metal sculpture sat. There's a wood bench there where in the shade one can sit patiently and wait for the flyby.

see the map link I attached.  Good luck

Tweet from ko (@KarenOhearn)

ko (@KarenOhearn) tweeted at 10:36 AM on Thu, Jun 22, 2017:
Least bittern just flew from phrags to the rt.of the old sculpture spot towards the peninsula thumb. Prospect Park

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Least Bittern update today prospect lake

Per Joshua prior 8 am,Least Bittern seen with Mike and Alie flying from patch of phrags just west of former sculpture on the peninsula to patch just east, then flew again to phrags out toward the Thumb.

Janet Zinn saw it flyby an hour ago

Butterfly Meadow

Brooklyn Bird Club at Prospect Park.
Published by Janet Zinn13 hrs
The Butterfly Meadow volunteer corps, comprised of Brooklyn Bird Club members, had its final session of the season today. The meadow is already looking great with tons of milkweed blooming (more than I can recall in many years); asters are blooming now and attracting lots of butterflies, and ladybugs abound. Should look fantastic by August--get up there if you can to see what we've done. Let's hope all this milkweed attracts some Monarchs later in the season...

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 9:47 PM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>

*** Species Summary:

- Least Bittern (1 report)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis) (1)
- Reported Jun 21, 2017 16:45 by Simon Taylor
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing bird found by Rafael Campos-Ramírez, seen taking short flights in the previously reported area, in and around the phragmites on either side of the open beach-like area bordering the lake on the southern edge of the peninsula meadow. Tiny heron seen well in flight with buffy wing patches, pale "back braces" and light orange/straw-colored neck"


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Ridgewood Reservoir Update

From Christina Wilkinson, at the hearing last night:

Newtown Historical Society
Juniper Park Civic Association and Newtown Historical Society submitted the following joint testimony today regarding the NYC Parks Dept's application for Critical Environmental Area status for the Ridgewood Reservoir:
"The Ridgewood Reservoir is a combination of a natural and man-made treasure that must be preserved and properly cared for. The reservoir’s important place in the history of both boroughs is undeniable, which is why we are in favor of listing the reservoir as a whole on the National and State Registers of Historic Places.
Although neglect is generally a bad thing, in the case of the reservoir, its neglect was fortunate in that it led to it growing into a varied and unique habitat, found nowhere else in the entire city. It is now incumbent upon us to make the most of the gift that nature has given us.
While we support a Critical Environmental Area distinction, we are also concerned that it does not go far enough. The basins contain 3 distinctive habitats – a bog, a pond and a forest which provide vast educational opportunities. However, several environmental reports have indicated that there are endangered species residing inside the forested basin, which contains a wet meadow requiring protection. In order to assure this, we respectfully ask that the DEC move forward with the necessary wetlands mapping in addition to designation of the Critical Environmental Area."

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Tweet from Simon Taylor (@alionsINspace)

Simon Taylor (@alionsINspace) tweeted at 4:59 PM on Wed, Jun 21, 2017:
Least bittern seen briefly in flight, prospect lake, same general locale. Phrags at southeastern corner of peninsula meadow

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Summer Solstice

Today is the first day of summer, solstice occurring at 12:34 this morning.

Yellow is for goldenrods, purple for asters , mature green trees and foliage under the blue sky

Monday, June 19, 2017

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Jun 19, 2017 7:10 PM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>

*** Species Summary:

- Acadian Flycatcher (1 report)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) (1)
- Reported Jun 19, 2017 16:30 by Peter Paul
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "As I stood on the first platform up the stairs from Ambergill Falls, looking at the nest over the boulder bridge, one bird was singing behind me. There was not a bird on the nest. From what I've read, if a pair of this species, for whatever reason, abandons a nest, they "almost invariably renest, often several times if subsequent nests also fail". I don't believe that there has been a report of these birds on or using the nest Friday, but if they are regularly not being seen on the known nest site (directly above the boulder bridge), it could be worthwhile to look around the area to see if they have relocated. All of this said, my observation was very brief (one to two minutes) due to the impending storm. "


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National pollinator week starts today

Least Bittern details from yesterdays sighting in Prospect

A huge surprise yesterday in Propsect Park ( or Lake) with a late ( or breeding ??) LEAST BITTERN appeared flying along the Peninsula shoreline where formerly the metal sculpture was the past early spring. Rafael Campos was the lucky observer and here is his words:

Hi Peter:

I saw the bird flying along the S side of the Peninsula meadow.  The exact place I saw it was where that artifact called art, was sitting.  The bittern flew L-R, while I was facing the lake.  It took me by surprise, but it was close enough to ID it without field glasses.  It landed on the first group of phragmites, passing the big trees. And it disappeared into the vegetation.  I tried to see it again, and have a photo, but no luck.

That is what I call: "being in the wrong place, wrong time but got the good bird of the month"
Rafa Campos R

The phragmite patch is well known for rails and a few bitterns, opposite the Wellhouse at the beginning of the Peninsula.

A good bird Rafael !

Friday, June 16, 2017

Fwd: Announcing the new Brooklyn Bird Club Web Site!

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

-----Original Message-----
From: membership <>
To: \\ <>
Sent: Fri, Jun 16, 2017 08:46 PM
Subject: Announcing the new Brooklyn Bird Club Web Site!

Dear Club Member,

Way back in the last century—1998 to be exact—the Brooklyn Bird Club launched our original web site. It was one of the first for a local bird club, and received much kudos! But with the advent of Web 2.0 and the exploding growth of mobile computing, it became sadly out-dated. It's taken awhile, but we've finally "gotten with the times" and are excited to present to you a totally revamped site. Created completely in WordPress, it's now optimized for both desktop and mobile use, and ease of updating. A new blog/news feature will allow us to post timely updates on club and conservation news and other stories of interest to our readers.

The URL hasn't changed, we are still at

We encourage you to explore each item in the sidebar and take a tour of the new site. (On mobile devices, click the three parallel lines on the top left to access the sidebar.)

Be sure to check out our interactive calendar for our trips and meetings schedule, which is now exportable to your Google calender or iCal supported apps. Many events link to Google maps and directions can easily be obtained on both your phone or desktop–so you can have directions in hand on your way to an event!

Our map of Birding Brooklyn hot-spots (including a little bit of coastal Queens) is now more useful than ever, with each site linking to its ebird checklist, and Google-map integration, which again makes accessing directions super easy. Choose from driving, transit, walking, or biking directions and find your way to the best birding locales.

The detailed hot-spot map of Prospect Park gives the local nicknames for birding locations often referred to on Twitter or on listserves, which you won't find on the "official" park map. Finally figure out where "Rick's Place" and "the Sparrow Bowl" are located, and which of those islands is "Duck" and which is "West."

Our beautifully redesigned Clapper Rail newsletter is also prominently featured, with archived issues available.

We hope you'll like the new site and we would love to hear your comments.

Janet Zinn
Brooklyn Bird Club

Introducing our new web site! – Brooklyn Bird Club

Wellhouse opens Monday

This may be a godsend for Brooklyn Bird Club trip leaders . walk participants and birders of the community.

This coming Monday the Wellhouse finally opens , rededicated at a restroom facility.No longer do birders have to run all the way to the Rink or the Picnic House when nature calls. :)  WE only wished it was opened sooner when the Goshawk was in town.......

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Prospect Acadian Flycatcher records

A good nesting report for the park of ACADIAN FLYCATCHER-rare- is taking place at the Ravine Rock Arch bridge ( first found by Isabel Conte yesterday, followed up by Kathy Toomey today) . This is not the first time for the park. The last one I recalled was by Ricks Place bridle trail years ago.

Here's what I gathered from Cornell Ebird for June records, Seems like June 2012 was the last breeding record or perhaps it was 2007.  Click on the word Checklist  for the birder's report.

2017-06-141Peter PaulChecklist
2017-06-141Kathleen ToomeyChecklist
2017-06-141Isabel ConteChecklistN
2017-06-081karen o'hearnChecklistN
2012-06-29XKathy DrakeChecklist
2012-06-241Keir RandallChecklistN
2012-06-161Tom PrestonChecklist
2012-06-081Alex WilsonChecklistN
2012-06-031Heydi LopesChecklistN
2011-06-011Alex WilsonChecklistN
2009-06-141Larry ZirlinChecklistN
2008-06-111Alex WilsonChecklistN
2007-06-292Sean SimeChecklistP
2002-06-151NYC Bird Report DataChecklist
2002-06-111NYC Bird Report DataChecklist
2002-06-091NYC Bird Report DataChecklist
2002-06-081NYC Bird Report DataChecklist
2001-06-021NYC Bird Report DataChecklist
1998-06-061NYC Bird Report DataChecklistN