Saturday, December 18, 2021

Kings Xmas count preliminary numbers

The kings count circle ( Brooklyn) topped off at 128 species.

Some rarities included 26 red knot at Floyd Bennett,Iceland gull at prospect lake,semipalmates sandpiper at Jbwr,yellow crowned night heron,ash throated flycatcher at Owls head park,orange crowned warbler at Brooklyn bridge park.. I hope to get the list eventually.

Prospect finishes with 54 species. It wasn't a big day given the weather conditions but fun and appreciative of those good birds that did show up. We saw a Cooper's hawk on the peninsula completely skinning its prey,feathers all over the ash limb. It's moments like that that make Xmas counts so enjoyable while championing teamwork. Hurrah to all the birders who came out!

More later,I'm beat after walking over 8 miles...😴💤