Friday, March 31, 2023

Protecting songbirds in your yard

Tweet from JJ (@JJ_bkny) photo of prospect amer bittern

JJ (@JJ_bkny) tweeted at 3:02 PM on Fri, Mar 31, 2023:
many twigs and a bittern
#AmericanBittern @prospect_park

Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) Louie at Esdale br

The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 2:21 PM on Fri, Mar 31, 2023:
Charles reports lousiana waterthrush at Esdale bridge, wood bridge after lower pool into ravine (prospect)

Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) PP Amer bittern

The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 0:37 PM on Fri, Mar 31, 2023:
American bittern At northeast corner shore of duck island,seen best from benches loop path lefrak,prospect lake southeast

American bittern duck island

At northeast corner shore of the island,seen best from benches loop path 

Tweet from RobBate (@robsbirder) bittern at prospect duck island SE corner lake

RobBate (@robsbirder) tweeted at 10:39 AM on Fri, Mar 31, 2023:
Ed Crowne confirms Bittern north end of Duck Island. Bird first spotted by Tracy Meade.

Rusty blackbird spot fallout

Yesterday s report of twenty rusty blackbirds at Greenwood cemetery's Dell water is spectacular indeed as how often one gets to see so many in one spot?

That's the beauty of birding ( and being lucky too. My adage: being in the right place at the right time and looking in the right direction.

After work yesterday with my very busy workday, I was able to garner at Upper Pool within 20 minutes Pine warbler,rusty blackbirds,gc kinglet, and phoebe; And earlier getting a Louisiana waterthrush at Lily Pool as I reacted to Kathy's Tweet. Kathy mentioned it took her much time for that collection of birds.

Birding has irony.

Prospect the past week

 From yesterdays 59 species in Prospect, 2 Louisiana Waterthrush complements the Rusty Blackbirds.

The past week had Wilsons Snipe, GW Teal, Hooded Merg, Merlin, Marsh Wren,Harrier, Raven,Osprey , winter wren , Creeper, and Pine Warbler making entries..

Saturday will be wet, sunday better.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) rusties at upper pool

The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 4:43 PM on Thu, Mar 30, 2023:
Two rusty blackbirds south shore Upper Pool Prospect, spotted by Kathy t

louisiana waterthrush and rusty blackbirds at Lily Pool

 The waterthrush is doing circuitous route of the LIly Pool and Binnen Falls according to latest report from Kathy

I also received news from Kathy T that Rafael Campos had 4 Rusty Blackbirds at Lily Pool..They're gone now but likely still in the park wheres there water...

Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) louie wt @binnen falls

The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 2:09 PM on Thu, Mar 30, 2023:
Louisiana waterthrush found by Eric, now at prospect binnen falls

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) BWTealsbat BTPP Monday

Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 7:51 PM on Tue, Mar 28, 2023:
The Blue-winged Teal couple (male and female) at Bush Terminal Piers Park today, seen in the basin by 52nd St. Video by Gus Keri.

Cliff swallow at gwc

Yesterday a Cliff Swallow was reported at greenwood cemetery Sylvan Water.

Swallows are primed now for migration so look up!!

Fwd: Funding Forested Natural Areas Report - newly released!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Natural Areas Conservancy <>
Date: Wed, Mar 29, 2023 at 12:31 PM
Subject: Funding Forested Natural Areas Report - newly released!
To: Peter Dorosh <>

Introducing the Funding Forested Natural Areas Report
Last week's Play Fair rally at City Hall brought together New Yorkers to call on our leaders to reverse years of disinvestment in our parks system. Our new report, Funding Forested Natural Areas: Recent Trends in New York City, spotlights the extent of this neglect and what's at stake if our forests go underfunded for the next generation.
Thanks to the Trust for Public Land and their recent findings in Economic Benefits of Parks in New York City, we are able to tell the full story of our forested natural areas. This includes the ecological and economic benefits our forests provide, the challenges faced by the Parks Department in maintaining these spaces at current funding levels, the grave environmental and health threats in short-changing our natural areas, and the long-term benefits of strong investment. 
Along with the official report, we created four infographics that summarize the major aspects of the report. Share with your friends, family, and fellow advocates; post them to social media; and tack them on your fridge! Check them out on our website at
1234 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10029

Important article about desire lines ( illicit trails ) in our city park woods


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Tweet from Nicole Peyrafitte (@peyrafitte) E.Phoebe fallout at owls head park

Nicole Peyrafitte (@peyrafitte) tweeted at 7:25 PM on Mon, Mar 27, 2023:
I had never seen so many  Eastern Phoebes all at once, they were all over Owl's Head park and perching for photo opps!  Very lovely moment. @BirdBrklyn #easternphoebe #birdwatching #BirdsOfTwitter #photography #birds

Monday, March 27, 2023

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) video of sooty fox Sparrow

Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 7:12 PM on Sun, Mar 26, 2023:
The Sooty Fox Sparrow at Brooklyn Bridge Park today. Video by Gus Keri.

Tweet from Kathleen Toomey (@KingsKathy) Wilson's snipe at BTPP

Kathleen Toomey (@KingsKathy) tweeted at 1:24 PM on Sun, Mar 26, 2023:
Wilson's snipe found by Kathy Willens Bush Terminal grassy area along the water

Tweet from Jen Kepler (@JenKepler) helping the piping plovers

Jen Kepler (@JenKepler) tweeted at 0:52 PM on Fri, Mar 24, 2023:
I'll be volunteering another season! My daughter is already excited about the potential for baby birds!

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Tweet from Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) video ICGU at Bay ridge pier

Brooklyn Bird Alert (@BirdBrklyn) tweeted at 8:59 PM on Thu, Mar 23, 2023:
This long-time visitor, Iceland Gull, doesn't seem to be in a rush to go back to where it came from. It is enjoying the world-famous Bay Ridge Cuisine, on the rocks of the water treatment Plant, facing the harbor, being seen from Veterans Memorial Pier today. Video by Gus Keri.

Tweet from Richard Nelson (@Richard36971987) photo sooty fox Sparrow at BBP

Richard Nelson (@Richard36971987) tweeted at 10:10 PM on Fri, Mar 24, 2023:
Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier #3     03/24/23
Sooty Fox Sparrow Mega Rare (2nd NYS sighting?)
Open shot within 10 minutes of arrival but in shade with backlight and no unobstructed views after that.

eBird Checklist - 21 Mar 2023 - Prospect Park - 31 species

I don't always check the list but nite flyover 175 snow geese from last Tuesday.

Prospect Park, Kings County, NY, US - eBird Hotspot

Note pine warbler, ring necked ducks,woodcock,green winged teal recent sightings

**Mega rarity at Brooklyn bridge park Pier 3 SOOTY FOX SPARROW

The north coast of Brooklyn has seen it's third megararity of late winter into spring with yesterday's find by Doug Gochfeld of Sooty Fox Sparrow.

The subspecies of the Fox Sparrow family from the Pacific Northwest is only the 4th northeastern USA record.

Look for the bird at Pier 3 southwest corner, skulking in the underbrush by junipers.

Sooty Fox sparrows are blander brown back with gray faces compared to our eastern redder Fox sparrows.

Check the link:

Fwd: Divergence of Birds website feedback

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Carolyn Monastra <>
Date: Sat, Mar 25, 2023, 10:55 AM
Subject: Divergence of Birds website feedback
To: Carolyn Monastra <>

Hello birders!

I hope you all are well and enjoying Spring! I look forward to seeing some of you out on the trails soon. 

I am writing to all of you because we have been on birding walks or CBCs in the past. I am looking for feedback on a new dedicated project website for Divergence of Birds - my project about birds being impacted by climate change. If you are free on this Sunday or Monday night around 7:30 EST- it would be great if you could drop in to the below Zoom meeting to give me your thoughts on how it's coming so far!  I am especially interested in getting feedback from birders as I hope this site will be of interest to many of you as we work to protect our avian friends.

I will stay in the Zoom meeting both nights for about an hour so if you can't make it right at 7:30 - join in when you can.

No need to commit but it would be helpful to know ahead of time if you think you can make it to either "focus group." And you don't have to stay the full hour! I will give a brief run-through of the site as it currently is and then ask for feedback - so you can give your 2 cents and leave if your time is tight. 

If you are unfamiliar with my project - see link to my website below and make sure to also scroll down and read the statement for this project. 

Thanks in advance, 
Carolyn Monastra


Please follow me on:
and see my work on these websites: 

Sign up for my Quarterly Art Newsletter HERE

Thursday, March 23, 2023

GC Kinglets

Kathy mentioned 8 Golden Crowned Kinglets were seen this afternoon. Its migration time for this winter species as the early spring birds come in.

69 species reported as a microcosm this week in Prospect.

Sunday will be the nicer day ..Enjoy!
" Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot,the only home we've ever known"

                                                                            --Carl Sagan

Feeders last seed

The prospect feeders were refilled with the LAST seed for the season. As each feeder empties, it will be taken down .  The new season resumes in late November.

Its time for the birds to find their own food as spring blooms


" Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot,the only home we've ever known"

                                                                            --Carl Sagan

Pine Warbler in Greenwood Cemetery

Noted presence of several seen

" Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot,the only home we've ever known"

                                                                            --Carl Sagan

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Tweet from Kathleen Toomey (@KingsKathy) gwc piwa

Kathleen Toomey (@KingsKathy) tweeted at 0:48 PM on Tue, Mar 21, 2023:
Two pine warblers still hanging out alone Vine Ave at at Ft Ham entrance to Green-W.  Thank you, Radka!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Fwd: New Clapper Rail

BBC latest Clapper Rail newsletter

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ryan Goldberg <>
Date: Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 10:16 AM
Subject: New Clapper Rail
To: Peter Dorosh <>

Hi Peter,

Here is the new Clapper Rail if you would like to share it on your blog. It has a full recap of the Christmas Bird Count.

" Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot,the only home we've ever known"

                                                                            --Carl Sagan

Tweet from Elizabeth Paredes (@ElizabethP501) early pine warbler gwc

Elizabeth Paredes (@ElizabethP501) tweeted at 4:46 PM on Sun, Mar 19, 2023:
My first of the Season #pineWarbler by Pierrepont monument @GreenWoodHF

Owl etiquette and other issues

Spring begins today 524 pm Happy Spring! 🌷🌼🦋🐦

The vernal (or spring) equinox, which arrives March 20 at 5:24 p.m. Eastern time, signals the end of winter and first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.2 hours ago › s...
When winter ends: A guide to Monday's spring equinox 

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Third time is a charm and the kindness of strangers ( who are birders)

My pursuit-- the third attempt- of Bush terminal park's winter celebrity Western Meadowlark is quite a story in itself. And it wouldn't been had without the sharp eyes of a young girl birder and her dad.It was their kindness helping me getting a kings County tick bird my 299th ( though unofficially I'm past 300 due to undocumented records before eBird started.)

But getting this bird was hard work! I went by subway to avoid losing a parking spot only to find that the Bay ridge bound R train wasn't stopping at 9th street.My bad not checking the mta alerts. So up to 5th ave to get the B63 bus; however that wasn't running according to schedule,it was very late. Rather getting on a packed bus with a scope on my back,I elected to walk to 43rd street. Two miles and not a single bus passed me!

In the park now, I hoped to find this very elusive measowlark. Information passed on by birders leaving the park pinpointed the lark in the grassy salt marsh strip. And there I stood entrenched waiting,waiting and..waiting. A father birder ,Ben and his son Asher a child about 8 years old were with a photographer friend- all from Upper Manhattan. So I struck up a conversation with them, having never met them before. We parted after ten minutes they to the last cove,me to check the vacant lot. They come back along the grassy strip and my return as well when I noticed Asher pointing. Hes got the meadowlark! But in flight, the lark flew to the lot. ( dang it!).

After 15 minutes, I joined the three at the lot edge when apparently Asher thinks he spots the lark. Yep there it goes! And back to the grassy strip we go!

And almost immediately Asher and  his dad spots the western meadow lark on a driftwood but unfortunately I dont. I cant pick out the camouflaged bird against the sandy beach. The glare is too strong to see the faded bird. I was desperately looking despite the fathers instructions where. Then an idea came to me: I asked the father who was taking photos to zoom in on the bird so I can watch the back of his camera. Once I saw where the bird was , my eyes adjusted and finally I got my nemesis tick bird.

The bird stayed on that driftwood for 5 minutes.Amazingly, the strong wind didn't impact our excellent observation. And the kindness of strangers, especially the sharp eyes of a young girl who has great potential is what makes birding great, a shared effort that is beautiful for people's generosity.

I'm happy as a lark.🤗

"The stormy March has come at last,
With winds and clouds and changing skies;
I hear the rushing of the blast
That through the snowy valley flies."
― William C. Bryant

Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) western Meadowlark pm

The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 4:32 PM on Sun, Mar 19, 2023:
Third time a charm .Western meadowlark continues in wind swept marsh by chain link in Bush term park,a difficult bird to pick out against sandy ground!

More details WEME behavior

Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) (1)
- Reported Mar 18, 2023 09:30 by Gerry Farley

- Bush Terminal Piers Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0204451&ll=40.6541609,-74.0204451
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Waited and walked all around for 2 hours before it flew from the vacant lot to the trees by the bathroom. Then returned right away to a rock pile in the lot where I was able to get a couple of decent pics through the fences. It only stayed briefly before flying to a tree near the caboose then into the grassy shrubs." 

Continuing swainsons ( SwHA)

Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) (1)
- Reported Mar 19, 2023 07:15 by Zach Schwartz-Weinstein
- Sims Municipal Recycling, Sunset Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0090782&ll=40.6624882,-74.0090782
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing mega-rarity that has been hanging around both sides of the Verrazano this winter.  Perched just below roof of recycling plant, viewed from industry city parking lot on 2nd Ave.  immature buteo with incipient bib and diffuse spotting.  Bad photos later.  Life bird, and nice to get in my old neighborhood, although Industry City is gross AF."
Show quoted text 

Saturday, March 18, 2023


Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) (1)
- Reported Mar 17, 2023 13:07 by Anonymous eBirder
- Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9904281&ll=40.6523083,-73.9904281
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Adult male. Medium sized bird smaller than a robin with a clear white eye. Too small of a beak to be a common grackle. Seen in a bush in the entrance to the cemetery."

Prospect chklist Paula Waldron

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Fwd: eBird Report - Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Mar 12, 2023 BBC Walk

Led by Dennis and Bobbi

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Roberta Manian <r
Date: Tue, Mar 14, 2023, 6:41 PM
Subject: Fwd: eBird Report - Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Mar 12, 2023
To: Peter Dorosh <>, Dennis Hrehowsik <

Hi Peter and Dennis,

here is list from Sunday's walk!  only one Tdoodle but lots of fun beating the bushes!


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 6:40 PM
Subject: eBird Report - Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Mar 12, 2023
To: <>

Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York, US
Mar 12, 2023 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Protocol: Traveling
4.0 mile(s)
29 species (+1 other taxa)

Canada Goose  2
Wood Duck  1
Mallard  2
Mourning Dove  4
American Woodcock  1
Ring-billed Gull  1
Herring Gull (American)  2
Cooper's Hawk  1
Red-tailed Hawk (borealis)  2
Red-bellied Woodpecker  2
Downy Woodpecker (Eastern)  2
Monk Parakeet (Monk)  21
Eastern Phoebe  1
Blue Jay  4
crow sp.  2
Black-capped Chickadee  7
Tufted Titmouse  11
Red-breasted Nuthatch  1
White-breasted Nuthatch (Eastern)  4
Carolina Wren  1
European Starling  X
Northern Mockingbird  2
American Robin  11
House Sparrow  X
Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)  8
White-throated Sparrow  5
Song Sparrow (melodia/atlantica)  3
Red-winged Blackbird (Red-winged)  4
Common Grackle  1
Northern Cardinal  6

View this checklist online at

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (

Monday, March 13, 2023

Checklist - 13 Mar 2023 - Prospect Park - 41 species (+2 other taxa)

Note duck variety & numbers

Prospect feeders

Enjoy the next two weeks as the feeders wind down around spring equinox.

Its time for birds to do their thing naturally as the spring rolls around.

Plus....I need a vacation.


""What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness."

- John Steinbeck

theme for WMBD

 I received in the mail today the catalog for World migratory bird day.

This years theme celebrates "Water: Sustaining Bird Life"

Birdathon day is May 13th, usually the second Saturday in May.

Prospect Lake mergansers 3/13

 Common Merganser (Mergus merganser) (1)

- Reported Mar 13, 2023 13:15 by Kevin Cabano
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "male, known/continuing on Lake"

Common Merganser (Mergus merganser) (3)
- Reported Mar 13, 2023 11:00 by Linda Ewing
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing by 3 Sisters. Initially seen from across the lake; high-contrast male identifiable even at a distance, 2 female types IDd by association. Later got better looks from other side of lake, white chin on one of the females seen well…other F not in view."

Tweet from Suresh Subramanian (@sureshsubra1) Swainsons pics sims recycling facility 29th st

Suresh Subramanian (@sureshsubra1) tweeted at 4:20 PM on Sun, Mar 12, 2023:
Finally made my way to Brooklyn to see the Swainson's Hawk. The nudge from @koolshark2 helped ! @BirdBrklyn #NaturePhotography

Tweet from Trevor Jay (@BirdinOut) gwc woodcock

Trevor Jay (@BirdinOut) tweeted at 11:41 AM on Sun, Mar 12, 2023:
The woodcocks are back in Brooklyn! Great walk through Greenwood Cemetery with the Brooklyn bird club. ⁦@BirdBrklyn⁩ #birdcp

Sunday, March 12, 2023


Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) (1)
- Reported Mar 12, 2023 09:25 by Gail Benson
- 29th Street Recycling Center, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0061979&ll=40.6616336,-74.0061979
- Checklist:
- Media: 3 Photos
- Comments: "Continuing rarity, heavily patterned underparts especially sides of breast.  Long, pointed wings in flight.  Photos."

Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) (1)
- Reported Mar 12, 2023 10:25 by Gail Benson

- Bush Terminal Piers Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0198734&ll=40.6552114,-74.0198734
- Checklist:
- Media: 3 Photos
- Comments: "Continuing rarity.  Even dark barring on tail.  Photos." 

continuing PPLake COME

Common Merganser (Mergus merganser) (2)
- Reported Mar 12, 2023 12:50 by Nate L-S
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "On the south shore of the lake, seen from the north end. Dark read heads with clearly seen white chins" 

Common Merganser (Mergus merganser) (3)
- Reported Mar 12, 2023 09:31 by Forrest Wickman
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing male and two females on lake. Photos available."

Common Merganser (Mergus merganser) (2)
- Reported Mar 12, 2023 11:26 by Ruth Rioux
- Prospect Park--Prospect Lake, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9686421&ll=40.6553787,-73.9686421
- Checklist:
- Comments: "male swimming in lake and diving then joined by female Saw very clearly Orange beak on both male and female clearly seen  Continuing"

Bush terminal park rarity continue

Eurasian Wigeon (Mareca penelope) (1)
- Reported Mar 12, 2023 12:30 by Ryan McGrady
- Bush Terminal Piers Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0204451&ll=40.6541609,-74.0204451
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Female with visibly warmer head than nearby American wigeons. Seen from 51st st"

Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) (1)
- Reported Mar 12, 2023 12:30 by Ryan McGrady
- Bush Terminal Piers Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0204451&ll=40.6541609,-74.0204451
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing bird seen by many." 

Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) swainsons hawk Sunday 2 pm

The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 1:54 PM on Sun, Mar 12, 2023:
SWAINSONS hawk at end of 29th Street above checkpoint booth , in tower

Migratory birds take breaks to boost their immune systems, shows study

Saturday, March 11, 2023


Common Merganser (Mergus merganser) (3)
- Reported Mar 11, 2023 09:09 by E Nichols
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "1 male 2 female middle of the lake" 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Btpp weme

 Western Meadowlark continuing today at Bush terminal pier park per report I read .no details wherein.

Topping prospect chklist 

Note rusty blackbird,high # wood ducks and Cooper's hawk nest

Yuan bbp chklist 

Note thrasher,Raven and waterthrush

Soaring black vultures in Pp

Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) (2) CONFIRMED
- Reported Mar 09, 2023 10:50 by chel sea
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Two black vultures soaring high over the lake, noticeably short stubby tails, black flight feathers with grey-ish silver wing tips." 

Continuing swainsons hawk at sims

Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) (1)
- Reported Mar 09, 2023 09:20 by Anonymous eBirder
- 133 29th St, New York US-NY 40.65909, -74.00165, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.001647&ll=40.659093,-74.001647
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing bird at sims recycling" 

Wickman Prospect chklist 

Note quality ducks, raptors and typical March migrants like creeper and winter wren

Ducks of prospect

During peak time, we're always on the lookout for migrating ducks. In Upper Pool , three species is a crowd!

I passed by Upper pool miafternoon. My target was the Ring-necked Ducks. I found 7 of them. They mingled among the Canada geese. Then there was a Drake bufflehead, I assumed the same bird all winter. To add the third species, Northern Shovelers found their niche here, four birds all together. That's a alot for smallish Upper Pool.

Later I read the hen Common Merganser stuck around on Prospect Lake. It's a pretty good day duckwise for Prospect.Park.

Bklyn bridge birds

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

COME continues prospect Lake Wickman checklist

also note ringnecks, hoodies, hermit thrush,coopers hawks and other incoming early spring migrants

1st if season (FOS) Eastern Phoebe GWC

Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe) (1)
- Reported Mar 08, 2023 08:06 by Benjamin Forbes
- Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9904281&ll=40.6523083,-73.9904281
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Dale Ave, just up from Crescent Water. Grey above, slight yellow wash on lowers, tail bobbing." 

Cackling goose report in Prospect

Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii) (1)
- Reported Mar 07, 2023 12:55 by E R

- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Media: 8 Photos
- Comments: "more photos of the same bird Matthew and Kathy reported from 3/6 and 3/7. Seemed smaller than Canada Geese, but hard to judge, and seemed to have steeper forehead, short neck (even when moving neck around/preening) and shortish bill, but bill not as notably short as other Cackling I've seen. Even with head tucked in, this bird did stand out as having a bit of a lower profile on the water, a bit of a silvery or contrasty look that sort of popped...but while staring at this flock a lot of the birds started to look weird. When I saw that Kathy had picked out the same individual I felt slightly more confident that I wasn't imagining things. (The jagged lower edge to the white on its cheek matches her contender)"

Tweet from Kathleen Toomey (@KingsKathy) Ring-necked s coming thru

Kathleen Toomey (@KingsKathy) tweeted at 11:56 AM on Tue, Mar 07, 2023:
Nine ring necked ducks in the lake out from the Wellhouse containers

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Prospect hen COME continues

Common Merganser (Mergus merganser) (1)
- Reported Mar 07, 2023 07:54 by Forrest Wickman

- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing hen on SW side of the lake. Too far from Peninsula for good photos but longer than nearby female Hoodeds with more contrast between reddish-tan head and gray body." 

Tweet from The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) robins!

The Kingsboider (@BBCKingsbirds) tweeted at 7:32 AM on Tue, Mar 07, 2023:
Spring is near ,over 60 American Robins northwest corner prospect ballfields

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Other rarities in local nabe

Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) (1)
- Reported Mar 05, 2023 10:04 by Isabel Conte

- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Near feeders, redwing size, unglossy, white eyed, thin billed."

Orange-crowned Warbler (Leiothlypis celata) (1)
- Reported Mar 05, 2023 10:25 by Barbara S
- Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.96367&ll=40.6680222,-73.96367
- Checklist:
- Media: 2 Photos
- Comments: "Mostly hidden in bush at 40.66556°N 73.96348°W.  Took some time to get a halfway decent photo. Pale grey/greenish/yellow warbler, more grey on the head and more yellow and white underneath. Constantly moving within the bush." 

Chklist Inc WEME

Continuing western meadowlark

Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) (1)
- Reported Mar 05, 2023 08:10 by Jim Schlickenrieder

- Bush Terminal Piers Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0204451&ll=40.6541609,-74.0204451
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Seen very well perched on shoreline driftwood & later perched in deciduous tree. 
Extremely pale gray-brown meadowlark, yellow malar." 

Continuing swainsons

Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) (1)
- Reported Mar 05, 2023 07:14 by Jim Schlickenrieder

- South Brooklyn Marine Terminal, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0112605&ll=40.6603108,-74.0112605
- Checklist:
- Comments: "observed perched on the fence that was adjacent to the recycling center building.
juvenile.   fine looks at chest bib, long wing tips nearly reaching end of tail." 

COME again!

Common Merganser (Mergus merganser) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Mar 05, 2023 13:55 by Maureen Matthews

- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Shaggy cinnamon head contrasted with light body, patch on cheek." 

Common Merganser (Mergus merganser) (1)
- Reported Mar 05, 2023 14:58 by Gab C- Checklist:
- Comments: "Female in middle of lake with bushy red head, white chin and orange bill. Photos available"

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Sat, Mar 4, 2023, 11:02 AM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>
To: <>

*** Species Summary:

- Swainson's Hawk (2 reports)
- Western Meadowlark (1 report)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.  The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated.

eBird encourages our users to bird safely, responsibly, and mindfully. Please follow the recommendations of your local health authorities and respect any active travel restrictions in your area. For more information visit:

Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) (1)
- Reported Mar 04, 2023 09:58 by Nick B
- South Brooklyn Marine Terminal, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0112605&ll=40.6603108,-74.0112605
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing rarity. Atop chain link fence at south side of facility."

Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) (1)
- Reported Mar 04, 2023 09:56 by patrick horan
- South Brooklyn Marine Terminal, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0112605&ll=40.6603108,-74.0112605
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing"

Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) (1)
- Reported Mar 04, 2023 10:00 by Angela Panetta
- Bush Terminal Piers Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0204451&ll=40.6541609,-74.0204451
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing at small grass patch and parking lot"


You received this message because you are subscribed to eBird's Kings County Rare Bird Alert

Manage your eBird alert subscriptions:

eBird Alerts provide recent reports of regionally or seasonally rare species (Rarities Alerts) or species you have not yet observed (Needs Alerts) in your region of interest; both Accepted and Unreviewed observations are included. Some reports may be from private property or inaccessible to the general public. It is the responsibility of every eBirder to be aware of and respectful of access restrictions. For more information, see our Terms of Use:

Friday, March 3, 2023

Fwd: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert

Take your pick of rarities today.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Fri, Mar 3, 2023 at 12:04 PM
Subject: [eBird Alert] Kings County Rare Bird Alert <hourly>
To: <>

*** Species Summary:

- Swainson's Hawk (3 reports)
- Marsh Wren (1 report)
- Purple Finch (1 report)
- Lincoln's Sparrow (1 report)
- Western Meadowlark (4 reports)

Thank you for subscribing to the <hourly> Kings County Rare Bird Alert.  The report below shows observations of rare birds in Kings County.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated.

eBird encourages our users to bird safely, responsibly, and mindfully. Please follow the recommendations of your local health authorities and respect any active travel restrictions in your area. For more information visit:

Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) (1)
- Reported Mar 03, 2023 07:50 by Kathleen Coyle
- 11232, New York US-NY 40.66139, -74.00571. Recycling plant, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.005707&ll=40.661394,-74.005707
- Checklist:
- Media: 4 Photos
- Comments: "Continuing buteo, sitting on shadowed eave of recycling building. Prominent supercilium, dark throat/bib, long winged, heavily streaked underparts. Poor distant photos."

Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) (1)
- Reported Mar 03, 2023 07:50 by Darlene McNeil
- 11232, New York US-NY 40.66139, -74.00571. Recycling plant, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.005707&ll=40.661394,-74.005707
- Checklist:
- Media: 4 Photos
- Comments: "Continuing buteo, sitting on shadowed eave of recycling building. Prominent supercilium, dark throat/bib, long winged, heavily streaked underparts. Poor distant photos."

Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) (1)
- Reported Mar 03, 2023 10:40 by Bill and Amy Magnus
- 29 street recycle plant, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.006356&ll=40.6617458,-74.006356
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Continuing at recycle plant. Many thanks to birder that pointed it out."

Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris) (1)
- Reported Mar 03, 2023 08:59 by B F
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Likely continuing.  Chipping and very briefly popped out of phrags across from Wellhouse."

Purple Finch (Haemorhous purpureus) (1)
- Reported Mar 03, 2023 08:59 by B F
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Media: 3 Photos
- Comments: "Continuing.  Female with bold white supercilium foraging on bridge near feeders.  Photos."

Lincoln's Sparrow (Melospiza lincolnii) (1)
- Reported Mar 03, 2023 10:16 by Jeremy Thorp
- Brooklyn Bridge Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9973745&ll=40.6996104,-73.9973745
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Smallish sparrow with fine streaking on breast and a notably peaked crown. Seen clearly."

Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) (1)
- Reported Mar 03, 2023 09:30 by Bill and Amy Magnus
- Bush Terminal Piers Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0204451&ll=40.6541609,-74.0204451
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Continuing, Thanks for the point out"

Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) (1)
- Reported Mar 03, 2023 08:41 by Adrian Burke
- Bush Terminal Piers Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0204451&ll=40.6541609,-74.0204451
- Checklist:
- Comments: "continuing vagrant today seemingly favoring the vacant lot area around caboose here (40.6537005, -74.0165975), occasionally perching up in trees/on caboose, otherwise hiding in herbaceous veg. It did make one brief appearance at the shoreline grassy area here (40.6537781, -74.0190701). overall a pale/washed out looking meadowlark with low-contrast head. yellow underparts and throat perhaps bleeding slightly into the malar (I seemed to detect yellow in the bird's right malar but not left malar). subtle yellow in supraloral. pale brown above with feathers in wings and central tail showing thin dark bars lacking extensive dark centers. apparently limited white in outer tail feathers relative to EAME when seen in flight but not great looks at this. rather direct flight with less of a stiff-winged SPSAesque vibe than EAME"

Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) (1)
- Reported Mar 03, 2023 06:34 by Darlene McNeil
- Bush Terminal Piers Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0204451&ll=40.6541609,-74.0204451
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Previously reported rarity. Poor backlit photos."

Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) (1)
- Reported Mar 03, 2023 06:34 by Kathleen Coyle
- Bush Terminal Piers Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0204451&ll=40.6541609,-74.0204451
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Previously reported rarity. Poor backlit photos."


You received this message because you are subscribed to eBird's Kings County Rare Bird Alert

Manage your eBird alert subscriptions:

eBird Alerts provide recent reports of regionally or seasonally rare species (Rarities Alerts) or species you have not yet observed (Needs Alerts) in your region of interest; both Accepted and Unreviewed observations are included. Some reports may be from private property or inaccessible to the general public. It is the responsibility of every eBirder to be aware of and respectful of access restrictions. For more information, see our Terms of Use:

" Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot,the only home we've ever known"

                                                                            --Carl Sagan

Thursday, March 2, 2023

New Finches book coming out in 2024

Swainson Hawk continues at 29th/2nd as well as western meadowlark at Bush Terminal Pier park

Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) (1)
- Reported Mar 02, 2023 12:27 by Mary Beth Kooper
- South Brooklyn Marine Terminal, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0112605&ll=40.6603108,-74.0112605
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing in this area at least since Sunday. Longer and a little slimmer looking than a Red-tailed, lots of streaking on upper chest but no belly band, longer tail than Red+tailed. While in flight wings looked pointier than Red-tailed and no patagials seen. Face had pattern including white eyebrow. Thanks to Adelia for letting me look through her scope."
" Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot,the only home we've ever known"

                                                                            --Carl Sagan

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

SWAINSONS and meadowlark

Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) (1)
- Reported Mar 01, 2023 11:00 by Kathleen Toomey
- 472 2nd Ave., SIMS recycling, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0072383&ll=40.6616834,-74.0072383
- Checklist:
- Media: 2 Photos
- Comments: "Continuing rarity, perched on light fixtures within the recycling plant, occasionally flying around.  Viewed from the side, its dark overall color and hunched, no necked posture was evident, as well as its long wings, and heavily splotched throat.   Photos"

Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) (1)
- Reported Mar 01, 2023 13:00 by D. J. Nyochio
- South Brooklyn Marine Terminal, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0112605&ll=40.6603108,-74.0112605
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing rarity; perched on light pole in front of high bay recycling facility building 


Eurasian Wigeon (Mareca penelope) (1)
- Reported Mar 01, 2023 06:50 by ♏️ ©️
- Bush Terminal Piers Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0204451&ll=40.6541609,-74.0204451
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Female type with brownish head. Seen with AMWIs first thing in the morning."

Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) (1)
- Reported Mar 01, 2023 07:30 by Anthony V. Ciancimino
- Bush Terminal Piers Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0204451&ll=40.6541609,-74.0204451
- Checklist:
- Comments: "*Very rare, first NYC record. Seemingly the same bird discovered by Andrew Baksh some time ago, great job by Josh Malbin for closer scrutinizing the bird. Meadowlark with reduced white outer retrices, faint eye stripe, & overall, quite a pale bird. Distinct narrow barring on upperparts and central tail feathers. Seen in flight initially, located the bird on various perches in the vacant lot here: (40.65330° N, 74.01812° W). The bird eventually flew back to the grassy strip between the walkway and the water. Photos."

Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta) (1)
- Reported Mar 01, 2023 06:50 by ♏️ ©️
- Bush Terminal Piers Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-74.0204451&ll=40.6541609,-74.0204451
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Photos."
" Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot,the only home we've ever known"

                                                                            --Carl Sagan