Monday, January 1, 2024

Prospect Park on the first day

Prospects New year began with 1/4 on the way to 200 for the year with 51 bird species today. Of course it helps with many birders out looking getting a head start.

The highlight is a first winter Iceland Gull off the Hammerhead peninsula in southwest corner of Prospect Lake. The rare gull was discovered by birding maestro Dale Dyer.

The variety otherwise includes some uncommon birds . These species were Wood Ducks in Lullwater Cove, Winter Wren,Bald Eagle, Purple Finch, Bufflehead, Brown creeper ,both kinglet species and more.

Though I'm not into the first day rush birding, nevertheless I was blessed with my first good bird of 2024. Just about entering my church for morning services at Fort Hamilton Parkway, I looked up at the high cross steeple and noticed a perched Peregrine falcon .I've been told it was there all morning. Pretty darn cool to see it picked my church. 🤗

Onward 2024! 🐦🦅🦉🦆🐧

"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. "

Camille Pissarro,19th c artist, father of Impressionism