From Tom Stephenson ( leading)
Hi Peter,
We had a good and hardy group today, including several people from Europe and the Middle East. It was pretty slow, though, with only 7 species of warblers, although one was a Mourning on lookout.
Besides the
Mourning Warbler, the best bird of the day was the caterpillar. I haven't had a chance to try and ID it, but probably Steve or others will know. Picture attached.
Best regards,
After consultation with Steve Nanz, the caterpillar was ID as Tiger Swallowtail, turning green after the larvae stage and the bright yellow striped butterflies that are common around here.
Tiger Swallowtail, in larvae form
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail caterpillar:
Double-crested Cormorant |
Great Egret |
Green Heron |
Canada Goose |
Mallard |
Spotted Sandpiper |
Forster's Tern |
Rock Dove |
Mourning Dove |
Chimney Swift |
Belted Kingfisher |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
Downy Woodpecker |
Hairy Woodpecker |
Northern Flicker |
Eastern Wood-Pewee |
Willow Flycatcher |
Eastern Phoebe |
White-eyed Vireo |
Warbling Vireo |
Red-eyed Vireo |
Blue Jay |
American Crow |
Black-capped Chickadee |
Tufted Titmouse |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
Carolina Wren |
Hermit Thrush |
American Robin |
Gray Catbird |
European Starling |
Cedar Waxwing |
Yellow Warbler |
Chestnut-sided Warbler |
Black-and-white Warbler |
American Redstart |
Northern Waterthrush |
Mourning Warbler |
Common Yellowthroat |
Song Sparrow |
Northern Cardinal |
Baltimore Oriole |
American Goldfinch |
House Sparrow
Photo of DC Cormorant with fishing line around neck.still free bird despite attempted rescue....keep your eyes open for it
note the line round the neck,photo by Rob Bate |