Friday, November 4, 2016

Patriotic colors

Among the changing fall foliage, some birds seen today represented patriotic colors of red ,white, and blue.

Starting with red, Bobbi Manian spotted a juvenile RED - headed Woodpecker in Owls Head Park. It flew and relocating it was in progress.

Then with white if one views it as the prominent field mark, Linda Ewing saw a HOODED MERGANSER  among the Ruddy Ducks in Prospect Lake. Of course, folks know that the drake ( if assumed it was a male) the Hood crescent is prominently white.

The last color thanks also to Linda was Eastern BLUEbird spotted at the western Nethermead.A male bird was seen perched in the Walnut tree on the west side of the lawn triangle in the Nethermead's center. It flew towards the base of Lookout Hill.