Tuesday, May 14, 2019


.Image result for bay breasted warbler clip art

Timing is everything.

Last Saturday on my own, I birded the south woods of Prospect Lake. I started at 630 and saw nothing, not a single warbler. An acquaintance of mine said at 8 am , she saw a bunch of Blackpoll Warblers. Then this morning...

Sean Sime was out in this still dreary drizzly morning and reported 15 species of warblers. Apparently it was a pocketful of birds that included a singing CERULEAN WARBLER followed by a BAYBREASTED WARBLER.

The birding forecast BIRDCAST says tomorrow morning birding activity will be low. But given the same expectations sometimes as this morning, coming in to the park even with the low expectation, you may --like Sean cross paths with a good wave of birds.

Update: From Russ A. 440pm
Cerulean, Baybreasted(f) and Prothonotary Warblers at 3 Sisters islands, Prospect Park.