Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Creating Native Habitat ( something to plan over the winter)

From the American Bird Conservancy

Creating Bird Habitat at Home with Native Plans

Here's an easy way to help birds that still has room to grow: Instead of a “green desert” of lawn that provides little benefit to wildlife, plant a mixture of native grasses, flowers, shrubs, and trees. These plants provide the most benefit to birds, and if well chosen, will be adapted to your region. Your state or local native plant society can help you choose species that will work best for you.

When your wildlife garden is complete, you can have your yard certified by the National Wildlife Federation. You can also encourage your children to have their schoolyard certified! Visit www.nwf.org.

Bringing Nature Home by Douglas Tallamy is the leading resource; this and other native plant guides offer a simple solution that anyone with a patch of earth—no matter how small—can follow: Make a contribution to biodiversity by choosing native plants. See http://www.plantanative.com/bringing-nature-home.html