Sunday, March 20, 2016

a very chippy cold first day of spring

Spring's first day isn't what we birders want or expected. The north cold wind does its job stopping migrants heading north. There wasn't much moving out there; however, there were a few notable birds worth appreciating.

I took a tour of Greenwood cemetery with my friend Mary. The high ground ( as most of you might know the cemetery is Brooklyn's s highest point) offered no refuge from biting winds. My intention was the target bird Woodcock. We stalked previous locations known for the upland shorebird but no luck.This is a bird that lands anywhere and often hidden with its camouflaged plumage. Sometimes it takes tremendous luck almost stepping on one.

All is not lost despite the dead zone birding in Greenwood. Mary and I saw our first season EASTERN PHOEBE. And at Crescent Water, the first and elegant GREAT EGRET perched on the stone wall at water' s edge. Redtailed Hawk flew by a few times ; one perched high in a pine in the " south flats" a bird I was impressed Mary finding the almost hidden raptor.

Meanwhile in frosty Prospect , Ed Crowne led a small brave continent for the Brooklyn Bird Club. The highlight and a welcomed bird on this chippy day was PINE WARBLER. Perhaps one is still hanging as it's still an early bird for the park.Ed's list is in the above post.

I happen to visit the park late in the day.The pair of AMERICAN WIGEON still reside at West Island. I read that PIED BILLED GREBE is out on the lake somewhere.

Warmer days ahead that would better suit Spring ( but after Monday )