with help, I wound up getting the PINE WARBLER later.
After a heads up from Rafael C on his sighting of PINE WARBLER by the boathouse, I ventured over there on my lunch hour.The report was it flew over to the west side where the willow tree was. I didn't luck in. However I ran into Kathy Toomey at the Terrace Bridge and both of us had grand views of an immature BALD EAGLE! I spotted the large blackish raptor soaring low over the Boathouse. It eventually flew towards us , veering to over Lookout Hill.Thinking it was gone for good, imagine our surprise when it reversed course and flew back , over Breeze Hill towards the rink direction. Awesome !
Later in mid afternoon, Kathy Toomey texted me saying she had the PINE WARBLER. It was generally in the same area before , along the Lullwater just past the cove. I watched it for 15 seconds before it took off for the Terrace Bridge .We also saw a RUBY CROWNED KINGLET in the same spot.
Warm day came too late so perhaps tomorrow we will see migrants .