Monday, September 18, 2023

BBC world migratory day scavenger hunt

Brooklyn Bird Club Birding Scavenger Hunt - World Migratory Bird Day, Oct 14, 2023

Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day with a slightly-competitive but just-for-fun event- the first-ever Brooklyn Birding Scavenger Hunt! 

Participating is easy. Form a team of 6 or fewer birders (or do it solo) and bird any way you’d like - in your favorite park, all over Brooklyn, or through your window. 

You’ll receive a list of birding goals with varying point values to complete during the day. The team who totals the most points will be crowned the champs and win fantastic bird apparel from the Brooklyn Bird Club and Bird Collective.

Examples of birding goals, which could cover bird identification, bird behavior, or “seen while birding” activity:

  • See a red-colored bird (2 points per species)

  • Watch birds mob a predator (5 points per observation)

  • See a “life bird” (for anyone on your team, 20 points, max 60 points)

We’ll have a compilation event at a to be determined bar or park location in the late afternoon.

Please email to register yourself or your team. You’ll receive the list of goals on Friday, October 13, 2023. Happy hunting!

"Migrations speak to us, not just as observers, but as integral parts of nature."

preface excerpt " Living on the Wind", Scott Wiedensaul