Saturday, February 17, 2024

The Great Backyard experience 17 Feb 2024 - Prospect Park--Prospect Lake - 16 species (+1 other taxa)

I would've felt guilty not submitting at least one Great Backyard count tally during the four day festival.So with great willpower after a hard work week, a few hours in Prospect would suffice. And personally it was a good one.

First scan from West Island netted me the usual waterfowl but Wood Duck I found turned out to be a highlight. I counted overall a dozen; Forrest who swung by said he counted 14! Then I saw to my left out in the lake middle a smallish dark backed Gull ; so  I headed over to the rustic shelter.

It turned out my hunch was right. The dark backed Gull was an adult non breeding Lesser Black Back Gull, seen bathing quite abit. Unfortunately it didn't stay long as a few birders came by motivated by my tweet. Eventually ,  I found the long staying hen Common Merganser. Speaking of Merganser, the handsome Hoodeds are frequenting the southwest shoreline,3 drakes and likewise 3 hens within 3 Sisters Islands.I witnessed interesting behavior with the hens: they were eating snow off a branch sticking out of the water!

Two Pied Billed Grebes mingled near the dwindling Northern Shoveler flock. Grebe's are usually uncommon in winter here on the lake.

After that ,my best sighting happened to be a flash. Taking a photo of a snow scene from Terrace Bridge, I spotted a low flying juvenile Bald Eagle heading towards the Rink. It must've come off the big hill. With the feeders unremarkably quiet- it's been like that all winter- and negative reports of the Rufous Hummingbird - hopefully it survived the storm-it was on ward home for me , feeling hungry and experiencing cold fingers.

At least I did my part being a citizen scientist for a few but fulfilling hours.🌨️❄️☃️🦆🦅

"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. "

Camille Pissarro,19th c artist, father of Impressionism