Monday, February 12, 2024

Mega RUHU report

With multiple observers and so many reports here's the gist of it regarding Prospects Rufous Hummingbird.

If one continues down the descending path  at Terrace Bridge towards the Rink, flowering Honeysuckle Bushes is attracting this mega rarity-Kings county's first.Look for the bird about midslope but more likely near the hairpin turn at the bottom of the hill.

This morning I along with many others at the hairpin turn, observed the Hummer hanging around a large honeysuckle at the top of the slope. More Honeysuckle resides on a path above from the parking lot southeast access path if you don't find it or along the shoreline by the bollards. Good luck.

In other news, the winter long Orange crowned warbler was spotted at the rink's southeast area or in evergreens by there I presumed along the path to the greenroof. It had been frequenting habitat next to the Summerhouse Gazebo ( Duck island)

On the lake , the hen Common Merganser sticks around near Three Sisters while wood ducks hang out at Duck island and a Hooded Merganser by West island.

"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. "

Camille Pissarro,19th c artist, father of Impressionism