Saturday, June 1, 2024

Prospect mourning and Wilson's warbs

Mourning Warbler (Geothlypis philadelphia) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Jun 01, 2024 08:08 by Forrest Wickman
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Flagged—a difficult to detect migrant, and maybe getting toward the later side. As I was pishing for the Wilson's Warbler to come out for a photo, this guy popped out right above me. All hell underneath except for grey head and black bib and the tail feathers. Seen through bins at close range, but when I reached for my camera I only managed one terrible, dark, out-of-focus photo. Still, I think it's at least suggestive of everything I just said. It wasn't really singing so others should please send recordings to Jay Pitocchelli if they've got 'em."

Wilson's Warbler (Cardellina pusilla) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported Jun 01, 2024 08:08 by Forrest Wickman
- Prospect Park, Kings, New York
- Map:,-73.9689534&ll=40.6602841,-73.9689534
- Checklist:
- Media: 3 Photos
- Comments: "Flagged as late. Small yellow warbler with dark undertail and black cap singing its song frequently by the path just uphill of the Well House. Bad photos."

"The one who plants trees knowing that he or she will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life."

— Rabindranath Tagore