The European type spruce in the ravine was a casualty of yesterday s wet snow storm.A tall spruce that captured the heavy wet snow on its wide branches simply toppled from the top heavy weight.
About 5 years ago Great Horned owls roosted in this spruce when they nested in the park in the first and only time.
Epilogue : The tree was a NORWAY SPRUCE. Arborists who cut the tree ( as it fell across the path) said it was between 90 to 115 years old, far beyond its lifespan of 100 years old regaing the latter estimate.. So... it was time...
Species profile :
Epilogue : The tree was a NORWAY SPRUCE. Arborists who cut the tree ( as it fell across the path) said it was between 90 to 115 years old, far beyond its lifespan of 100 years old regaing the latter estimate.. So... it was time...
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