Friday, November 28, 2014

Purple and Red crisp day

A cold crisp day much to my liking led to some very nice birds .Winter means a slower pace and also appreciation for the few good sightings that emphasizes the beauty of the cold season.

En route to the feeders, along the west lake shore I spotted  a raptor. Perched high in a sassafras tree, a mature COOPERS HAWK was busy preening itself in the bright sunlight. Below it was definitely quiet,of course. Later  when I passed the same area on the middle slope path it was active with ground foragers including two FOX SPARROWS. Behind the picnic tables the SWAMP SPARROW reappeared for the second straight day.

Out on the lake, the new change are the HOODED MERGANSERS. There's a flock of seven led by a single drake.I saw two more hens separately one by Duck island and one in the reeds at the northwest shore phragmites.A  hen BUFFLEHEAD stuck around.

It was at the feeders though where winter cold reveals its best. On the thistle feeders particularly the one closest to the fence,up to 4 PURPLE FINCHES took advantage of the seed. One gorgeous male with three females kept me glued to the scene.It s what the feeders potential does when fewer birds are around in this mean season. With them goldfinches,fox sparrows, white breasted nuthatch,chickadee also happened.

On my way home after a quiet period atop Lookout Hill, I noted a good raptor right near the Coopers spot. A flyover RED SHOULDERED HAWK glided and circled a few times over southwest Lookout Hill.

Its cold yes but soothed by a few good birds makes its worthwhile getting outside.