Monday, November 17, 2014

Rain Rain rain ( blah!)

The rain dampers the day alot. But through it, a few RUSTY BLACKBIRDS mitigated the dreariness .As I was checking trash areas along the south lake shore, I stopped by Three Sisters Islands, and nearest to the phragmites patch at the western island the 3 birds flew up their perch in a mulberry. Just a minute for viewing before the blackbirds took off towards the Parade Grounds, whether they went over that or turned, I couldn't tell. At least we should be on the lookout for them now.

The Lake stays the same with Shovelers and Ruddy Ducks. One hen BUFFLEHEAD came away from the south shore of the "hammerhead " peninsula ( west of Three Sisters) with Ruddies.Two PIED BILLED GREBE and 4 DOUBLE CRESTED CORMORANT are some other waterfowl sightings.