Wednesday, October 19, 2016

An American Bittern in Prospect

The phragmite marshes across from the Wellhouse continues to amaze me.In the last several years, the area along the base of the Peninsula shores to the well house drive produced these species : 2 Sora, 2 Virginia Rail, Clapper Rail and now a good one this afternoon, AMERICAN BITTERN.

Just about 1:30, Isabel Conte tweeted out a note that the bittern was walking along the edge of the Marsh that had Sora rails not long ago.This marsh section is farther down the dirt trail that runs thru a pair of mature Gingko trees. Isabel later tweeted that the Bittern was in the Virginia Rail --last month's--section with the black plastic cover opposite the three green shipping container.The bittern flew upward and back down into its same secretive abode about 45 minutes later.

A great bird for the park and kudos to Isabel for being the lucky observer.