From Jen Kepler
Hi Peter- Not sure how it is to best share this but I thought of BBC, and apologies, I am sending this from my work email address...
Here at the NY Aquarium we are hosting a Migratory Bird Treaty Act Centennial on Sunday (11/20). It is free, with admission to NYA. We are hosting a 1 hour talk that will include folks from FWS, Audubon, and students the topics will include:
-MBTA and its history
-The studies going on at Great Gull Island, including tagging
-The data gathered from nano tags
-How the tags work
-Presentation by local High School students who have used the data in their own studies
If weather permits we are hoping to bird on the beach- the presenters plan to come with a few scopes.
Not going to lie, our major target for this event is teachers and youth but, we want to also allow in anyone who may be interested in this... So I figured BBC members may want to come.
The talk starts at 1pm, since it is open to aquarium patrons, folks should plan to arrive slightly before 1pm.
The aquarium is located at 602 Surf Avenue (at W 8th street), accessible by public transportation, and we have a parking lot (fee). The location of the talk within the Aquarium will be the Ocean View Room.
Thanks, feel free to share on the BBC page or your own site.
Much Appreciated!
Thanks so much!
Jen Kepler
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Jennifer Kepler
Coordinator, Community Conservation Connections
New York Aquarium Education
Wildlife Conservation Society
office: +1 718.265.3452
web: http://www.wcs.org
twitter: https://twitter.com/wcseducation