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From: "Great Backyard Bird Count" <
Date: Nov 11, 2016 9:16 AM
Subject: Save the Dates for the Next GBBC and Count Birds Right Now
To: <
 The Dark-eyed Junco was reported on the greatest number of checklists during the last count. Photo by Joan Tisdale, Michigan, 2016 GBBC. | Save the Dates for the 20th GBBC Greetings from the Great Backyard Bird Count team at Audubon, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and Bird Studies Canada! We want to remind you to mark your calendars for the 20th GBBC, coming up February 17 through 20, 2017. Read a summary of the last count.  The Snow Goose was the most numerous species reported during the last count. Photo by Laura Frazier, West Virginia, 2016 GBBC |  Pygmy Nuthatch by Kurt Countryman, Wyoming, 2015 GBBC. Don't Wait, Count for FeederWatch Now! Even before the GBBC arrives, we invite you to participate other fun citizen-science projects. You can start tomorrow, November 12, when Project FeederWatch kicks off its 30th anniversary across the U.S.and Canada. (But you can sign up after that date, too.) You'll count birds at your feeders at set intervals right through early April and report what you see online. GBBC sponsor Wild Birds Unlimited is also sponsoring this milestone season for FeederWatch and its BirdSpotter photo contest. You don't have to be a FeederWatch participant to enter and vote in the contest! Find out more and sign up below: U.S.: FeederWatch.org Canada: birdscanada.org/feederwatch |  Song Sparrow by Dot Rambin, Louisiana, 2016 GBBC. Study Up on Sparrows For most of us, it's a struggle to distinguish all those "little brown jobs," otherwise known as sparrows. We have some tips and suggestions below for honing in on key markings that will make it a cinch to put a name to these zippy little birds. * Learn how to ID a Song Sparrow and find out why it's your best friend when it comes to identifying any of the other sparrow species in North America! * Key field markings to look for are highlighted on the GBBC tricky sparrows web page. | | | | | | | |