Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fwd: Connecticut warbler, peninsula

From Simon

-----Original Message-----
To: prosbird
Sent: Sun, Sep 7, 2014 11:09 am
Subject: Connecticut warbler, peninsula

Hi Peter,

It's Simon--the last time we met was Thursday afternoon, staking out the COWA at the pools. 

Well, today's the day I accept the risks of being the new birder reporting on an uncommon species, in order to deliver this news:

About two hours ago I spotted a Connecticut warbler in one of the wooded areas with partial fencing in the middle of the peninsula, towards the northern side. I had an excellent look--it was very deliberately walking (not hopping) through the thickets and leaf litter, right in front of me. This behavior, coupled with its large, slightly chunky appearance, complete white/gray eye ring, and dull brown hood/throat contrasting with light yellowish belly left me certain of the ID. 

I figured I'd better not keep this to myself. Hopefully others can confirm and enjoy!

Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Simon Taylor