Wednesday, August 26, 2015

late August stretch

Smogasboard eat fest is coming to Prospect Park's Breeze Hill  this Sunday.But regarding a smogasboard of a different sort,Prospect habitats is a godsend for birds ,especially with warblers today.

I got late word that a PROTHONOTARY WARBLER was seen at the Peninsula pink concrete beach around noon time today,the observer Rob Jett. Rare for fall migration compared to spring ,it's a very good sighting.

Meanwhile with little time I had working full-time, a few minutes up at Butterfly Meadow proved satisfactory. I am glad to see a beautiful bird,particularly a PRAIRIE WARBLER.Spotted inside the large flowered Joe Pye Weed at the southwest corner of the Butterfly Meadow perimeter,it was my day' s prize. That warbler was followed by sightings of MAGNOLIA, a few AMERICAN REDSTARTS including an adult male, and a pair of YELLOWS. GOLDFINCHES rule the yellow flowered Meadow of coneflower and Jerusalem artichokes; one GREAT CREASTED FLYCATCHER and a  Traills empidonax were also spotted.

After work , a usual route thru the Ravine produced sightings of RUBY THROATED HUMMINGBIRD-one of three on my post work birding-- feeding on the spiked red Cardinal Flowers at Ambergill pool , then a delightful appearance of a low male adult BLACK THROATED BLUE WARBLER along the creek, quite my day for the few and worthy in the few minutes I had.