Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Prospect's CEWA and WEWA

Both acronyms in the title are similar in sounding and odd sounding, yes, but both 4-letter banding codes represent two classes of species not like each other. Both species were seen today , one for its obvious numbers and the other an uncommon warbler.

CEWA represent the Cedar Waxwings, their bold presence up at Butterfly Meadow pretty obvious as I looked for some birds during my brief spell. They flew overhead abit between the west-east perimeters of the Meadow. While I was watching their happy flights, a GREAT CRESTED FLYCATHER worked its way thru -first a cherry tree-- then the neighbouring ash tree. Red Eyed Vireo also appeared in the cherry. Near the northwest stairs at the fork where I ventured to, a low CHESTNUT NUT SIDED WARBLER was in its best finery with its beautiful lime green and gray countenance among a young oak leaves. Its fall favorite for many birders givens its dramatic transition from spring to fall plumage. By the way, the codes for these are species , respectively GCFL, REVI, & CSWA. 

Finally , at the end of my work day, I get a text message from Linda Ewing.  As she walked thru the ravine, just past the Ambergill Falls, she spots a WORM-EATING WARBLER, about halfway between the Esdale and Little Rock Arch Bridges. Of course it was a WEWA little one.... ( drum roll).

For the codes if you are interested , here's the file ( )