Saturday, August 29, 2015

slowdown Saturday in prospect

Typical of the third day I find to be slow days after the northwest wind,today was not so bad after Thursday's northwest wind.Yes, the warbler numbers were low today yet we did find a quality species , but other species not a warbler had their day in the sun for my Brooklyn Bird Club walk.

Only 42 species -10 warbler species-were tallied but the group I led was treated to hilights of WORMEATING WARBLER ( found gleaning from dead leaves), YELLOW BELLIED FLYCATCHER and a BLUEWINGED TEAL,rare for Prospect. The first two species were sighted on the Peninsula Lullwater trail close to the pink concrete beach.The Teal duck lingered on Upper Pool with WOOD DUCKS.

Missed though as I received word was Mike Yuan's reported PHILADELPHIA VIREO on Lookout Hills south slope switchback trail by the Maryland Monument,seen in the upper section of the trail.His photo is in his Ebird report,in my previous post below.

A terrific day to enjoy birds under the sun.

(my list