Monday, May 18, 2020

NYC Audubon - This is why bird-safe building legislation is so important. Dozens of spring migrants were found dead this Saturday outside Circa Central Park, a bird-killing building facing the northwest corner of Central Park. Sadly, we received additional reports that day of even more migrants colliding with buildings elsewhere in NYC. These are just a few of the 90,000-230,000 birds that die each year in NYC because of window collisions. - After constant documentation of bird deaths at this building by our Project Safe Flight volunteer @terencezahner, we repeatedly made attempts to share solutions with building management and the board. Regrettably. we have not yet received a response from them. - Starting in 2021, thanks to the passage of Int. 1482/Local Law 15, it will be illegal to make new buildings like Circa Central Park. This image is horrifying, but thankfully there are simple solutions to window collisions that can be found at NYC Audubon and our partners are dedicated to helping building owners use these solutions in order to prevent disasters like these from happening each spring and fall. - If you are a resident of Circa Central Park, or any building that is experiencing a high number of collisions, please reach out to Advocacy and Outreach Manager Molly Adams at - Birds collected by Ursula Mitra. Photo by Tristan Higginbotham @cardinalhealing, NYC Audubon Project Safe Flight Volunteer and @wildbirdfund Wildlife Rehabber | Facebook