Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The majesty of a bald eagle

 Todays eagle sighting showed power , majesty and beauty. On my workday with volunteers, i was witness to these elements.

My ongoing project weeding the dense growth on south slope Lookout Hill put me in the right place this morning. Seeing several people looking up Lookout Hill's slope alerted me they got the eagle. And moving out to the Well Drive, along with some of my volunteers, we saw the Bald Eagle perched at the highest point of a tree above the three shipping containers. The eagle displayed Power and majesty .

Then after my work was done at noon with the volunteers, i drove through the Nethermead on route to my storage container and on the way , I saw more birders looking up. This time it was in the direction of the pine grove at north Lookout at the edge of the meadow, and there it was, our "winter resident" eagle perched near the top of a giant pine, looking like a postcard setting. It was a beautiful display.

This eagle is giving all of us memorable moments.🐦


PS. Four Ring-necked Ducks -2 drake, 2 hen- were  seen near the northwest shore of prospect Lake; the drake Common Merganser continues from this morning, at the lake center, but its moving around.