Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Nashville, Tennessee....and those wonderful Nighthawks!

Location, location and location is a well known perfect qoutation when you get the bird that's good. And anything is possible on a good migratory day. For a work warrior like me, 5 warbler species is a big deal;and to top it off with a nightcap club annual event looking at Nighthawks.

I knew from running into friends and the Tuesday walk it was going to be a good day. Just looking at lists and prospect park check list tells the story. But for me I'm happy just seeing anything under busy work schedule and time constraints. After work I was pulling into the tennis house when I had to stop: two American redstarts had a puddle to themselves,spreading their tails with excitement.Soon I'll be out of here and spend my next hour birding, catching up with my missed day.

On a circuit of butterfly meadow where earlier reports of Warblers galore, I happened to pass the south edge when a Tennessee warbler popped up on coneflower stalks for amazing views. It was a male bird still showing hues of gray and green.

Afterwards, I descended the switchback trail , lately a bonanza spot. Quiet on the way down, I turned left for the weedy area behind the wall. Movement froze me and after a little phishing and patience, I saw my prize bird : A Nashville. Perfect eye level with long looks really does justice with this beautiful bird with the distinctive eye ring.

It's kinda funny my two sequential birds involved the actual city of the state: Nashville,Tennessee.. ( but I didn't see Elvis)

With very tired legs now upon entering my home, after dinner it was back out again for the annual Brooklyn bird club nighthawk watch . And it was a great success. After 7 pm ,something like 8 to 10 Nighthawks appeared in the hour, some flying overhead for great views. Their languid fluid flight is so characteristic and a wonder to watch. Over 45 people showed up . I remembered starting it way back then with just a few Birders before social media..now look at what it has become: A great funraiser for the club! 

Stay tuned for leader Karen to post me tonight hawk number s

Clever man is a chicken; it can fly, but a little. Genius, on the other hand, is a migratory bird; it can fly at high altitudes until He disappears on the horizon!

--Mehmet Murat Ildan