Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Warbler Guide; Little Blue Heron /Snowy Egret recs

By now, many  know of BBC member and leader Tom Stephenson's outcoming new book The Warbler Guide , co-written with Scott Whittle; it is eagerly awaited to be released late spring  I think.

Here's a link about the guide



On the Birdathon and previous day, Rob Bate spotted Little Blue Heron and Snowy Egret, the former very rare and latter rare, Below are recs for the birds.

Last sighting for Little Blue  : May 2nd 2010  flyover Lookout Hill ( before that Sept 16th 2006  Falkill Falls)
less than 10 recs;

last sighting Snowy Egret  April 22nd, 2009  Upper Pool