Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Prospect Nighthawks

In a tradition that started decades ago when I took up post in the Nethermead, I usually might have had a few accompanying birders. Now with social media's impact, we get a crowd..a BIG crowd. In a good way, the nighthawk watch of August's end has become a social event that transcends beyond observing these special birds.

Tonight , a record -- impressively- 72 birders came out to enjoy Nighthawks. And they weren't disappointed as a total of six birds put in an appearance. They weren't low nor numerous but what the heck, it was fun and exciting for everyone.

 From people sitting in low beachchairs or high campchairs, or on spread out blankets to folks standing up , it didn't matter: everyone was enjoying each other's company, in conversation with old friends or new,  while keeping an eye on the sky.

Our August Brooklyn Bird Club  nighthawk watch tradition has become something bigger than watching these passing birds: it has defined the meaning of sharing the love of birds and the bond birders hold dear to club and birders.

Just ask any of the 72 folks who showed up tonight, from the old timers to the beginners, and they'll say they were glad to make it out here and happy there's a club that thinks of them. And that is all that matters.

Good Boiding,

Early into the watch 7pm, first nighthawk seen approximately 734 pm.