At the stairs top , north corner, 3 RED-EYED VIREOS gather in a flock in a low hawthorne, obviously not coming to my aid....
The other good news of the day dealt with Ed Crowne's spotting in the fence clearing behind Lamppost 249 Well drive picnic tables, the reappearance of YELLOW BREASTED CHAT. As I mentioned earlier, I cleared more of the foliage for the purpose of opening up more area for warblers attracted to brushy clearings.
Then there is the BBC Tuesday walk that Rob Bate led, the highlight of the still sitting COMMON NIGHTHAWK and a MOURNING WARBLER immature inside Arleen's Pine Grove at Butterfly Meadow's north end, the latter first seen outside the enclosure, then inside the fence enclosure
To find the the Nighthawk, stand facing the pines southwest, looking towards the summit. Look left beyond the Pin Oak in the meadow for a sweetgum tree beyond ( starry leaves) along the path.In the left of center tree trunk, 40-50 feet up is the night hawk ;See Rob's photo below.
Heat is coming tomorrow, so bird early. Then a major cold front is coming after predicted rains Thursday.The weekend is looking really good at this point...
Peter's list
date = 2013/09/10
site = Prospect Park
observers = Peter , Lookout Hill summit
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Red-eyed Vireo 3
White-breasted Nuthatch
Gray Catbird
Tennessee Warbler female in meadow
American Redstart
Black-and-white Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler 2, male adult and immature/female
Northern Parula
Magnolia Warbler
Nashville Warbler 2 in meadow
Northern Cardinal
American Goldfinch Butterfly Meadow ~9
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Common Nighthawk spotted by Dennis Hreshowsik, photo by Rob Bate |