A HOODED WARBLER male continued into the late afternoon , early eve , the bird found by Gus Keri late morning in the southwest fence area of the Quaker Cemetery.. I didn't hold out much hope in the late afternoon but chanced it finding this good warbler.
Viewing from the mulch trail just west of the cemetery main gate, I uttered a quick "phish", and it worked. The handsome Hooded appeared to my right , upon a dead large timber. For the next 15 minutes, working along the cemetery fence towards me, sometimes perched in the fence, it ended up in a pokeweed stand.
Back later again with Bob O'Neill, I saw the bird again but it offered a quick flash as it went back the other way and inside abit the cemetery. A nice bird to see, my real intent to finding this bird and whatever. Up on Lookout Hill, quiet and expected on a warm day, CHIMNEY SWIFTS overhead in in good numbers. But surprise as I spotted a COMMON NIGHTHAWK along the south slope, a flyover heading Southwest/west.
There was a an assortment of warblers. Gus reported some nice ones, see his report in a previous post. I found besides the Hooded, NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH in the same spot.James Merwin reported BLUE-WINGED WARBLER across the Center Drive. See his note before.
There is according to Accuweather a quick north/northeast wind before it turns south late into the night. But whatever, go birding if you have the time, though early if you can.