Jeff was waving me from the field--initially I thought was the usual hello--instead it was more different in that he was trying to get my attention. In the western sector of the Nethermead by the Black Walnut Tree 300 feet southwest of the Center Drive water fountain, he definitely had a good bird. So as he was telling me by hand gesture to walk away , I obeyed and arrived at his spot. He had an INDIGO BUNTING in the grass. It wasn't out in the open yet but a minute later raised its head and darn it, I could see it was a beaut! Eventually the bunting came out and what dense blue it possessed, an adult male bird. I got to enjoy it fror several minutes with no disturbance by anyone.
You have to see the picture to get an idea of the bunting's great plumage. Jeff says he will send a photo. And thanks to Jeff for getting me a great spring bird in full regalia...