For my busy workdays even as I work in the park, it was satisfying for me to get a good bird, or even a favorite first of season.
I stopped by the busy ballfields , particularly magic spot field 2&3. I found Ryan Mandlebaum there already. And of course I was gonna ask " you see the vesper?". "Yep", Ryan says "I got it". It took me some struggling to get on the bird in the grass along field 3 first base dugout. But no need to wait any longer for the bird flew atop field 2 third base fence as Ryan got my attention on it. I have to say it's not often I see fresh adults instead of the worn birds I usually get in Octobers. Thx Ryan.
A favorite on my last spot at Prospect Lake was Ring necked Duck. And thanks to another Ryan ( Goldberg) who i met earlier gave me the heads up. I found the duck in the southwest sector with the Ruddy ducks. Nearby there's at least 7 Wood ducks. And additionally, a Pied Billed grebe in the same area as well. northern Shovelers are in but in several numbers.
Winter is coming,time to get ready...