Jane Kratochvil (@JaneKratochvil) tweeted at 4:20 PM on Sun, Oct 17, 2021:
Yellow-billed Cuckoo at BBP. Shortly after, he was harassed by a Mockingbird and he flew right into this wall just below the window at 130 Furman St. The MB followed but missed. The YBC diverted after the strike and flew into thick underbrush. #windowstrike @wildbirdfund @ebird https://t.co/wLdCn5bHLQ
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Yellow-billed Cuckoo at BBP. Shortly after, he was harassed by a Mockingbird and he flew right into this wall just below the window at 130 Furman St. The MB followed but missed. The YBC diverted after the strike and flew into thick underbrush. #windowstrike @wildbirdfund @ebird https://t.co/wLdCn5bHLQ
Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download?s=13