PLEASE JOIN US! Hello Friends, Members of WILD for Prospect Park-
will be venturing out to do a Lakeside Cleanup and Visitor Outreach on Sunday, April 28th from 2:00pm-4:00pm We will scan the banks of the watercourse for harmful debris such as plastic, fishing line and hooks as well as reach out to visitors on the effects of feeding waterfowl and how they can become better stewards of the park's wildlife.
When: Sunday, April 28th Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Where: NEW MEETING LOCATION: Meet at the location of the new "Pop-Up Audubon"- near the Binnen Bridge behind the Boathouse/Audubon Center (near the Eastwood Building). Please feel free to share this email! See you then!
WILD for Prospect Park Steering Committee http://www.wildforprospectpark.com/