Saturday, April 7, 2018

Binnen Run favorites

A stretch of water from the 3 Arches Bridge to Lily Pool called Binnen Run had its day with some early spring birds.I saw one of three targeted species,but I'll settle " batting" .333.

A first early report focused on 3 RUSTY BLACKBIRDS in Binnen Pool per Ed Crowne This pool is marked by a double gate. The Blackbirds were observed at the left back shore.There were other sketchy reports in the same watercourse. I struck out.

However upstream ,thanks to Isabel Conte, I finally got a terrific look at LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH. Along with a single SWAMP SPARROW,the waterthrush bobbed along the creek towards 3 Arches. Another report placed a waterthrush in Ravine pool,maybe this bird. But very likely the same bird downstream behind Pagoda bandshell,heard singing and chirping according to Ed Crowne.


Also present in the area behind Lily Pool is BLUE GRAY GNATCATCHER.Found by Rob Bate,it was seen above the bridle trail. I struck out ( again ! 😐)

A few SWAMP SPARROWS are in. Besides my Binnen bird,other spots were  the phragmites at west island and phragmites across from the Well house. Despite its dark complexion, Swamp is a cool looking sparrow.


A single RED THROATED LOON can still be seen on Prospect lake thanks to a heads up from Ryan Goldberg.


The season's first BLACK & WHITE WARBLER in the Ravine ( Richard Payne ) , NORTHERN ROUGH WINGED SWALLOW,EASTERN TOWHEE in Prospect,and BLUE HEADED VIREO in Brooklyn botanic garden native section fills out a decent day of birding for birders