Friday, April 5, 2019

Along the Upper Pool back shore

Most appreciative was yesterday's birding after work at the Upper Pool back shore where a few nice birds appeared while I was in the company of birders.

Image result for clip art brown creeper
Charles Tang had reported good action earlier in the day. The three primary warblers were expected as PINE,PALM and YELLOW RUMPED  put in appearances.Not in numbers yet but one is enough. I was able to see the first species. But good looks at BROWN CREEPER --one of two here--and GOLDEN CROWNED KINGLET are my spring firsts. The reported RING NECKED DUCKS including two hens are still here in the Pool.

Farther down the birding path, in the Ravine, two WINTER WRENS popped out along the creek.

A chilly forecast today but tomorrow looking good with temperatures in the low sixties.