Thursday, September 5, 2019

Fwd: Avian Advocates: City Council's Bird Safe Glass Bill Action Needed!

From Molly at NYC Audubon official press release

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Adams, New York City Audubon <>
To: ProsBird <>
Sent: Thu, Sep 5, 2019 12:45 pm
Subject: Avian Advocates: City Council's Bird Safe Glass Bill Action Needed!

New York City Audubon: Protecting Wildlife and Habitat for Over 35 Years
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Dear Avian Advocates, 

We have important news and a request to ask!

A public hearing has been scheduled for the Bird Friendly Glass bill (Int. 1482) in the City Council and we need your support!

This important hearing will take place on Tuesday, September 10th at 10am in the Council Chambers in City Hall. 

90,000 to 230,000 birds die per year in New York City as a result of colliding with reflective or transparent glass buildings. This bill will require newly constructed or altered buildings to use bird-friendly glass on 90% of the building's surface (up to 75 feet high) and above green roofs. 

If you are able, please join NYC Audubon as we present testimony in support of this bill. Testimony should be kept to 2-3 minutes long, include any personal stories you have about window collisions, and be printed (20 copies) to distribute to the council the day of. 
Over 100 species of bird, including the Chestnut-sided Warbler pictured here, have collided with buildings in New York City. Photo © Sophie Butcher
If you are unable to attend the hearing but would still like to submit testimony for the official record, please email your written statement to the following city council staff members by Thursday, September 12th at 5pm.  

Testimony should be written in letter format and is most effective when kept 1-1.5 pages in length. Please be sure to include your name, address, and any personal stories you have about window strike victims. Additionally, please make it clear that you support Int. 1482.

To read more about Bird Friendly Buildings initiatives across the country, read the latest from James Crugnale for Audubon Magazine

If you have any questions about presenting or submitting testimony, please email

Thank you for fighting to make our city safer for birds! 

Molly Adams,
Advocacy and Outreach Manager
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