A pinball travels at the mercy of gravity and bumps and physics whatever before it drops in a hole.Likewise its the same in my view with bird migration during a good wind.
When a cold front passage occurs, along that front are bandwidths of birds. Some band widths may be thick with birds; others much thinner. ON Lookout Hill, a premier location for northwest wind fronts, it wasn't much activity at either meadow, Butterfly or the summit. Kathy Toomey did report scarlet tanager, rose breasted grosbeak,blackpoll warbler,redeye & warbling vireo with magnolia warbler. I walked around and didn't see anything , my poor timing as well as the harsh glare undermining my ability seeing stuff; heck when I did the birds hide well in the thick foliage.
Meanwhile my friend Orrin reported over at Greenwood Cemetery's Central Ridge a "zoo of birds" Warblers,vireos and thrushes were the name of the game.
IT comes down to your lucky location, location and location....