Monday, May 8, 2023

A day after the rush

Today was an anticlimax to yesterdays surge of birds. Quiet woods except for several avian notables reign the day.It might be said yesterday's birds did a a rush job.

Being delayed for long with unfavorable weather the past weeks, it seems that birds needed to get to their breeding territories asap. Usually it's three waves or surges in May springs and the first wave is late.

Nevetheless for today there were a few noteworthy birds. If you like Bluewinged warbler, one was spotted at Center drive bridle trail according to Ryan Mandlebaum. An acquaintance i ran into after work in the Ravine asked me to identify a bird on her camera. It was an Olive-sided flycatcher, atop a snag along the path from the zoo compost towards the Vale Cashmere.She also mentioned seeing Wormeating warbler in the Midwood and Gray cheeked thrush behind Lily Pool.

Canada Warbler ,always a cool bird, popped up at Lookout Hill switchback trail;ditto for White eyed vireo at Nethermead (3 arches) bridge ) south side Creek.

A second Cerulean Warbler surfaced but in Greenwood Cemetery ,heard by its call on Central Ridge south of Valley Water.