Saturday, May 6, 2023

"Warblenek" and birders

What's great to see nowadays is the beauty of birding attracting so many birders into the hobby. That was evident today from two main Brooklyn bird club sponsored walks. From those walks you get to see the enthusiasm and teamwork in helping each other finding birds.

I happened to join in on Dennis's walk which attracted  over 30 birders . From the Pergola we walked along the lake edge. Here and there we found several warblers, including a Blue winged midway. I didn't get to see that bird as the leafed out tree "hid" the bird. As recompense,I did see a gorgeous male Rose breasted Grosbeak feeding on elm seed, helped by Kathy getting on the bird.

Many birds were high up. There is  a well known affectionate term " Warblenek" ,the pain of holding your head straight up for so long,the blood rushing down and your neck screams in agony😅. I did that alot today.

A second group-- the first Saturday-- from the boathouse had 70 people! That group was split up in three,fortunately each led by a great birder. The sight of many birders bodes well in the future and keeps the spirit alive for the survival of birds.

As I broke off to bird on my own,I headed for Lookout Hill. Enroute a birder photographer got me on a Black throated Green warbler, with excellent low views. The same could be said of the always favorite Blackburnian Warbler atop Lookout Hill and Butterfly Meadow,  drawn to both by kind birders. I don't always get them all nowadays but certain birds do make my day. Gone are the days when I used to regularly get 32-35 warbler species every spring when I had the time and excellent sight.

 Even when I heard about Yellow throated Warbler in Southern Midwood or Yellow billed Cuckoo at Maryland Monument, I didn't pursue them. My philosophy is to relax and enjoy the pace. You don't need to go crazy and get them all the same day.

As mentioned in a previous post, the park today had 113 species. My take was it wasn't a fallout but more of a collective effort by many birders,many eyes finding birds here and there.

Sunday should be a good day. Go out and enjoy it.