Friday, May 12, 2023

Boiding the easy way

Boiding is difficult. As one gets older, finding birds by sight alone can be hard. But older folks are wiser and seek out easy ways to find those birds. Let them come to you.

After an early start at Butterfly Meadow where I got lucky seeing a Bay- breasted Warbler, on a short morning, the Vale Cashmere pool was the logical choice. But first thanks to Ryan M and Forrest getting Me on the Bay breasted at Butterfly Meadow northwest Pin Oak. It's the most beautiful warbler that's NOT yellow 😅. Heading out the north end of Butterfly , Although I missed the Canada Warbler pointed out by Tripper, I get a second chance.

The Vale Cashmere is a top birding spot. Because of water, warblers are  attracted to it. And so sitting on a pillar, I watched while resting my sore legs, I relished seeing at least four new season warblers. First a Blackpoll, then the Canada, followed by sun splashed stunning Northen Parula, American Redstart and a Black throated Blue pair. Even a Purple Finch showed up.

Yep boiding the easy way...