Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Water is life

Among the three critical elements of birds journey is water. Besides food and shelter,water fulfills a bird's survival success. So as a birder,that's where you go for easy pickings.

On my way to work I ran into Seth who mentioned he was going to the Vale of Cashmere because of the previous day's report of 18 warbler species . All of the warblers -between 8&9 am -visited the water pool at the cashmere north end. I told him to keep me informed what he saw today.

Here was Seth's report of those pool birds: Baybreasted, Redstart,black throated Green,cape may, yellow,Nashville,common yellowthroat and likely more. So if you tired of looking hard in the woodlands, why not let them come to you? Just go to the water.

In other news: the Tuesday " friends" walk ,absent Bobbi M, found a Mourning Warbler at Lookout Hill west access. This is the slope bordering the Nethermead as you go up the Hill from Center Drive. The group also found Wormeating Warbler at Upper Pool. I got help with the latter after work,thanks to Michelle and Radka in the same spot,the back path of Upper pool 200 feet from Falkill falls fork. It was a beauty, long looks as the Worm eating perched munching away an underleaf caterpillar cocoon as it appears.

The leaky water fountain -- water again- north of the picnic house is attracting birds. The fountain is opposite the picnic area. Rose breasted  grosbeaks were spotted sipping there. Warbler too are coming.

In the Midwood another Mourning Warbler was calling. And confirmed by its call, Bicknells Thrush was present there as well.

There's still lots of migration left even as peak has passed.