Friday, May 8, 2015

Orange crowned report

Mike Yuan's early am report on Tennessee changed to Oranged Crowned Warbler;

His post to ebird listserve

Initially though to be TEWA in the field, but I'm revising now.  Seen feeding high in oak atop Lookout, which led me to rule out OCWA.  Viewed mostly its underparts, with occasional profile views from 30-40 feet.  

Large warbler, compared to the nearby NOPA, but smaller than even larger BLPW.  Viewed broken eye-ring, seemingly dark lores which gave impression of an eye-line.  Small, pointy bill characteristic of Oreothlypis.  

Fairly subdued, completely yellow-green underparts, including undertail coverts. Alie Ratay observed faint streaking on breast.  Undertail pattern was dark and filled-in, not dark-outlined like TEWA.  Ruling out 1st winter TEWA, which does appear to have a solidly dark undertail, by lack of pale undertail coverts.  Bird did not vocalize.