Monday, April 9, 2018

Prospect Morning

The unseasonal cold this day -about 15 degrees below normal saw some songbirds but more of the winter types that were present on Prospect Lake.

The Lake held sway with the continuing RED THROATED LOON with some of its companions. Ten WOOD DUCKs waded in two separate locations- at West Island and Lakeside shoreline.A pair of BUFFLEHEADS held their position with the 40 plus RUDDY DUCKS. I found a pair of drake NORTHERN SHOVELERS under the West Island tree cover. And at this island, on the water snag, two elegant looking GREAT EGRETS exposed their gracefulness, their feathery plumes blowing in the wind.

A single RING NECKED DUCK kept its domain at the Upper Pool. And while the duck had the whole pond, on the shoreline, namely at t6he back shore towards the boat ramp, a LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH  walked along. Heard this morning by Ed Crowne, Rafael Campos found it at noontime on the ramp shoreline, by the waterfall delta.

A few spring songbirds, the same as yesterday continued today. PALM WARBLERS were reported by Elm Grove towards the Upper Pool back shore path. RUSTY BLACKBIRD continue near the Binnen Pool by the wooden bridges. I watched an EASTERN PHOEBE from the Lower Pool back gate.