Saturday, May 6, 2017

May sixth peakless day

An unimpressive day by my account for this peak date, a day depleted of bird numbers. Obviously last night's storm had much impact. If it wasn't for a few good birds, birders might have gone back to bed.

I got in around 715 am and noted very little movement. I recorded only a Common Yellowthroat in the next hour. But my morning was salvaged by the appearance of a 1st winter BLUE GROSBEAK that alighted on the metal fence surrounding ARLEENS Pines at Butterfly meadows north end. Report of Yellow throated Vireo and Rose breasted GROSBEAK,and in the air a flyover Peregrine Falcon was all the rave .

The Brooklyn bird club walk came through then. Perhaps with the group's multiple and better eyes than mine,they fared better.

 Meanwhile over at Greenwood cemetery, Blue GROSBEAK also surfaced. Recorded by Rob Jett,it was on the list that included a male SUMMER TANAGER,the latter in the Dellwater area.

A BANK SWALLOW joined the Barn swallow flock in Prospect Lake. I watched it in the southwest section.

A southwest wind tonight
 Maybe May 7th not a dud?