Wednesday, May 10, 2017

todays report

The north wind continues it stranglehold on the migration as chill dominates the May weather. Despite the numbers side lack of birds, Joshua Malbin with his hearing and good seeing reported twenty warbler species.

Among Joshua's good fortunes, HOODED ,TENNESSEE &  WORM EATING WARBLER tops his list.HOODED came out on the path in the Midwood, the path closest to the East Drive. The WORMEATING appeared in the Zoo Compost pile, the section just east of the Dongan Oak eagle monument. TENNESSEE was somewhere ( its been a long day).

Interestingly, where I work this morning on the Peninsula planting, a WHITE CROWNED SPARROW showed up on the closed off path where the plants went in. Karen O'Hearn found this bird. It hasn't been my luck this spring finding things.The bird gods must have been peeved I went west ...

Also, a report that common stuff like MAGNOLIA WARBLER  and BLACK THROATED BLUE  are visiting the stretch of woods that runs behind the Upper and Lower Pools ( Ravine) . Not many birds, but given how quiet it has been, birders will take the few birds that are around..